Shaman dual wield windfury percentage broken - 36% (not 20)


Currently enhancement shaman is bugged, while dual wielding the chance to proc windfury is far higher then it should be.

Each weapon should proc at a rate of 20% however currently while dual wielding this chance is increased to 36% for each weapon for no reason whatsoever. this is a bug and is reflected in its tooltips,

Please fix this as soon as possible.


Ingame ability Tooltip:
[Windfury Weapon ]
“Imbue the Shaman’s weapon with wind. Each hit has a 20% chance of dealing additional damage equal to two extra attacks with 475 extra attack power. Lasts 30 minutes.”


It was designed this way, confirmed in original TBC through theory crafting done by and corroborated by tests in the current beta/pre-patch. I’ll do my best to explain from what I learned in a well known content creator’s shaman guide: The 36% chance was calculated due to the internal cooldown of WF added in tbc (3 Seconds). The chance to proc WF when wielding two one-handed weapons is 36% outside of the ICD, but because it can not proc more than once within a 3second window, the end result is a 20% chance over the duration of the fight.


sorry however the ingame text proves you wrong and that this is in fact an unintended bug.

It needs to be fixed as soon as possible before this goes live in TBC, and hopefully we see this bug fix coming soon.

[Windfury Weapon]
“Imbue the Shaman’s weapon with wind. Each hit has a 20% chance of dealing additional damage equal to two extra attacks with 475 extra attack power. Lasts 30 minutes.”

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https:// web.archive. org/web/20080913121536/http:// elitistjerks. com/f47/t20765-shaman_enhancement/


Hi this bug is still active and is game breaking for shamans, the spell is proccing nearly twice as much as it is supposed to with the correct scripting being a 20% proc rate (as is mentioned in literally every tool tip in game relating to the spell) vs its current proc rate of 36% in game, please fix this as soon as possible.

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This bug is huge and game breaking, it needs to be fixed!!!

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Read the link I posted, it worked this way in 2007.

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Please read the tooltip for the ability in-game which explains exactly how the ability works, and it’s relevant proc chance of 20% which is currently bugged.

This bug needs to be fixed ASAP.

Also please note this game breaking bug is not listed in the “not a bug section”, and is very clearly a broken mechanic yet to be fixed

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The way the math works out, when u apply windfury to 2 weapons and have an internal cooldown on WF of 3 seconds you end up getting about 33% uptime on windfury. I can link you the video where they explain the math but it might go over your head

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Please note the ability doesn’t state resulting in X overall up-time, it quite literally and unequivocally states:

[Windfury Weapon ]
“Imbue the Shaman’s weapon with wind. Each hit has a 20% chance of dealing additional damage equal to two extra attacks with 475 extra attack power. Lasts 30 minutes.”

Please stop trying to justify the existence of a clear and undisputably bugged mechanic, the definition is not vague or ambiguous in anyway.

The proc rate is a flat 20% with each hit, and absolutely no where in its description or any patch note has it ever been stated suggested or alluded to that the flat 20% proc rate should be effectively doubled for no reason whatsoever.

The proc rate is and always has been a flat 20% and currently the ability is broken while dual wielding and increasing the proc rate to 36%

Please fix this asap blizzard!

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The tooltip is for 1 weapon, when you put it on both its 20% EACH with a 3 second cd per proc, coming out to mid 30% range. It’s working completely as intended.


I dont think you understand the bug man, currently it isn’t putting 20% on each, currently it is making each weapon individually have an independent proc chance of 36% not the correct 20%

This is absolutely bugged and is in no way functioning correctly or as intended.

Please fix this immediately blizzard.

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This is 100% bugged and needs 2 be fixed before arena goes live, its almost not even a proc rate. Feels like they are just permanently WFing. Absolutely ridiculous


Very true this is meant to be an occasional proc which some times happens from time to time… At 20% per weapon enchanted.

With the abilities currently being broken and bugged and each windfury enchanted weapon having a 36% chance to proc windfury it is currently in a ridiculous state…

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" When you are wielding a two handed weapon, or are using a shield, your chance to proc windfury on any landed attack outside the 3-second cooldown is 20%. When you dual wield weapons, the chance on each landed attack outside the 3-second cooldown is approximatedly 36%, if and only if both weapons are imbued with Windfury. [footnote]Originally posted by Disquette on the WoW official forums. Original post is no longer archived by Blizzard.[/footnote]

Analysis of the combat log shows that if you sum all hits, the proc rate while DWing is 20%, but that includes hits you make while inside the 3 second cooldown, which cannot actually proc WF. When you remove the ineligible hits the observed proc rate from the eligible hits becomes 36%."

From the EJ archive about enhancement shamans that the guy above posted.

From the actual description and definition of the ability within the actual game, and not some random forum post

"[Windfury Weapon ]
“Imbue the Shaman’s weapon with wind. Each hit has a 20% chance of dealing additional damage equal to two extra attacks with 475 extra attack power. Lasts 30 minutes.”

Note that it doesn’t say aggregate chance, it doesn’t suggest a mean average, it doesn’t allude in any way to there being any other interpretation of its function.

It quite literally says

“Each hit has a 20% chance of dealing additional damage"

Stop trying to offer up ridiculous excuses or defences for an ability which is quite clearly and undeniably bugged and broken, blizzard needs to fix this as soon as possible.

This bug is game breaking.

Blizzard please fix windfury.

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Fun detected, please nerf!

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sigh When there’s an internal cooldown you HAVE to have a higher chance to attain 20% actual chance. If it’s 1 in 5 chance of it happening, and that happens during WF’s ICD, then you don’t get a proc and you have LESS than 20% proc chance.

That’s why the post says that if you take all the WF procs divided by the sum of your hits, your WF rate is 20%.

You have to tweak % chances when you start adding things like cooldowns. Pure probability doesn’t have cooldowns.

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Has anyone given any data to support the the claim of a 36% chance?


No. He’s just posting over and over “It’s 36% chance” without any actual data. I’d like to see where he came up with that chance myself. If he just did a quick test himself, then it’s either way too short for anyone to seriously consider it a real test, or it would most likely be long enough to show it’s 20%.

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