Shallow water camera collision bug

This started happening since last patch release, first noticed it in a 16 DoS key in the ardenweald section when we were fighting mobs in the shallow water and my camera was stuck zoomed in towards the bottom half of my character underwater. Which makes it almost impossible to see anything going on around you, not very good for a key run especially. This happens in ANY shallow water it looks like. Looks like the water collision option which I’ve always had on broke during 9.2.5 release and counts standing in shallow water as underwater for some reason. Please fix! I’d share a screenshot but not sure how.


Seen this past few days on different races as well. The moment I step into any water in Ardenweald it looks like I am completely submerged regardless if how tall current race played is. I know their are a few deep spots but this is entirety of water area for me no matter how shallow it actually is.


I’m also experiencing this issue. It certainly makes rounding up trash in the Ardenweald area of DoS more interesting…


I noticed this while questing in Pandaria a week or so ago and it’s very nauseating. I had to turn off the collision setting once I discovered removing it would stop this from occurring. I did a brief screen recording recently to capture it because it was so odd. The video itself is also very nauseating to look at, so I apologize in advance, as it was hard to even look at the screen while trying to record.


Can confirm still happening. Really annoying. Happens even in the maw at certain places where there are dips in the terrain (even though there’s no water). As people have mentioned, ardenweald wing in DoS is… yeah.

still happening, camera instantly goes under water and zooms in and makes it difficult to see where you’re going in relation to where you’re character is

not even in DoS but also in GMBT, a tiny hole of water in murlocs area could make our cameras completely hard stuck in water. And you can not be able to see any kind of spells to dodge, extremely worse for melee classes.

Happened to myself and the tank in DoS last night. Unable to see what is happening and we got disorientated :frowning:

Having this issue, as well. It seems to happen in thick fog areas, also. It’s very disorienting and easily throws off combat.

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Just wanted to confirm this issue is still a thing.

Also happens in older parts of the world, I’m doing Nazjatar quests to unlock some stuff and let’s just say it’s been an absolute nightmare due to this bug lol.

Turning off water collision seems to be a good workaround, but I much prefer having water collision on and functioning properly.

Happens in Draenor, too.

I just race changed because I could not handle the bug anymore.

This is still a problem in 9.2.7

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We are still on as of the patch today and 9.2.7 is still on the PTR. If you find a bug on the PTR, then you need to do an in-game bug report there to let the people in charge of the testing know.

Sorry, i didn’t check that before logging in. But yes, it is still happening as of the patch today.

Small indie company, can’t figure out how to fix their newest bug so they don’t.

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21/08 - still an issue in 9.2.7

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Can confirm it’s still happening… >=(

As others have stated, one workaround is to disable the Water Collision Setting in Interface>Camera. This is In-game, but one thing I noticed is that the setting is somehow being enabled back every time I relaunch the game, making it repetitive (could be an addon on my end, but annoying).

One more ‘permanent’ option is to edit the file in the ‘WTF’ folder as shown in the Wowpedia Wiki site.

Something with

SET cameraWaterCollision “setting”

Where “setting” should be 0 (zero, for disabled) or 1 (one for enabled)

SET cameraWaterCollision "0"

The above should do the trick of maintaining it disabled between sessions too, permanently (until they fix it that is, then you’d be able to test the enabled one)