Shallow water camera collision bug

Can confirm this is still an issue that Blizzard seriously need to fix. It’s happening regardless of Race or Zone

Still an issue. Still awful. I’ve seen it happen in some areas with fog as well.

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Can confirm that this is still a very annoying issue. It’s not like it just happens on a Gnome, Vulpera, or Goblin. It happens with any and all races. It even occurs when on a mount that raises you above the surface of the water.

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Happening to me too for as long as the above posts indicate - still happening in Oct, 2022.


Happen to me aswell, real shame kill the fun :frowning:

Confirmed this is still not fixed as of pre-patch


Same. It seemed fine on my Blood Elf, but when I started a Draenei, it happened on that character.

Doing this on my Kul Tiran warrior.

A foot of water and the camera swaps to completely submerged mode and you can’t see a thing until you’re out of it.

Very unpleasant. :angry:

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November 5th - still an issue. Come on Blizzard!

November 29th, still happening…

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Dec 21st, 2022, still happening.

for any one still looking on how to fix this seeing it was removed from the menu the command is now /console cameraWaterCollision 0

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