Shadows Rising: Thrall's thoughts on Tyrande

It is worth remembering that they said this back when they were trying to convince us Sylvanas was doing everything she was doing to bring a war to an end for the good of the Horde.

We now know that was a lie, ergo any talk of her not being evil can also be rightly assumed to be a lie.

I wouldn’t take anything they said from post-“HORDE IS NOTHING”-reveal interviews as fact. They were lying so we wouldn’t immediately guess what their big “twist” was.

Didn’t work, but the effort was made.


Don’t blame Thrall, Thrall had the belief that the Horde weren’t just a bunch of monsters or cowards who let the monsters do as they pleased and every time he stopped baby sitting them so he could save the world or have a vacation they proved him wrong.

He could go back to Outland, but he knows how worthless the rest of the Horde is without him.

Considering he’s the one to appoint Garrosh, he doesn’t get to wash his hands.


The problem is…they made him not a relic. He was basically the pinnacle of what the Horde should have been and what they should have aspired to be when he stepped down.

When he stepped down and brought Garrosh in, what was he like the first Warchief of the Horde to be named without the previous one having to die first? Garrosh should have been proof that the New Horde is now different from the Old Horde, following in the footsteps Thrall left behind, which would have allowed Thrall’s story to end and a new era of the Horde could begin.

Then Garrosh Garrosh’d. So we got Vol’jin who ok could have-oh he go Vol’jin’d. Ok Sylvanas clearly they won’t just waste another Warch-oh she Garrosh’d x10.

Well I guess we need to bring Thrall back.


I’ll say this. Even if the horde helps to bring down Sylvanas, that by itself isn’t enough to make up for what they have done. Not if Teldrassil is still scorched and it’s inhabitants dead.


Nothing will ever “be enough”. Even if the writers say in game or in a book that the Alliance or, more specifically, the Night Elves are placated the diehard fans will always want more. This will in turn breed more animosity between the players. Either the Horde players will continue to be told they are wrong for playing the faction they like or the Alliance fans will be unsatisfied with whatever resolution is eventually given to them.



Well, we’ll see if that’s true when any resolution is given. So far, the Horde has done absolutely nothing to make ammends, and the only thing they have promised to do is to hunt down Sylvanas. Or rather, it’s wasn’t even the Horde council but Thrall alone that tried to pick up their slack.


A fine judgement to make when your people still rot in Stormwinds gutters.

To the actual point where they totally buried the idea that the reason the Horde was so delayed on turning on her was they were afraid of weakening themselves to Alliance reciprocation for Teldrassil (which implies they do feel its justified, but they can’t just allow the Alliance to slaughter their people). Teld was a means of entrapment for the Horde, or it should have been if Blizz wasn’t so obsessed with keeping the “great twist” she’d betray us secret.

That messaging is still there … its just REALLY hidden.


But there is something I want to ask. Do you really think the Horde would be humiliated by trying make up Teldrassil? I don’t, because it’s just a matter of making things right. It would be far more humiliating in trying to pretend that they have nothing to atone for.

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If Blizzard’s writing is any indication.



Well, i would much prefer if they didn’t get humilated, but also atoned for what they have done.


I’d much prefer if the Horde had nothing “to atone for”. Yet, here we are. And so far it’s not looking good for anyone, IMO.



Of course. I despise the current storyline just as much as you. But, this is the story we were given. And i’d prefer if they actually bothered to give catharsis in some way. I don’t think they will be able to, but we shall see.

Catharsis for 1 faction likely means humiliation or disappointment for the other. This is why I don’t plan to play SL.



The humiliation thing is subjective so I can’t speak to that, but what I imagine would happen if the horde’s written to actually be contrite is that it just wouldn’t be treated as enough anyway, because really; how could it ever? I think the alliance would be justifiably hateful no matter what’s done. It feels like a problem with no real solution as far as player enjoyment goes.


Especially inasmuch as it seems the writing team has adopted the attitude that the Horde were big winners in BfA and now they need to spend all of their effort in making the Alliance feel better.


Ok, this is bordering on unhealthy. You realize that not a single horde player did anything to the imaginary race your obsess over right? Even those who quested in the War of Thorns had no involvement in the actual burning of Teldressil.

Seriously, your apparent hatred for people who didn’t right the story is kind of disturbing. You realize no one was actually killed right. It was a work of fiction.

These are things I think some NE fans are seemingly struggling to remember.

That isn’t what happened. Thrall never intended to let anyone off the hook. He just refused to hand them over to the Alliance to be tried under Alliance law. That is perfectly acceptable. By the same token, the Alliance wouldn’t hand over Alliance citizens to be tried under Horde law. You might as well suggest that your faction is sub-servant to the laws of the other faction at that point.

It was also never about pride. It was about the fact that the orc population were effectively being forced to starve while the NEs refused to trade and used the Horde’s promises to deny them basic necessities of life. To the orc population the NEs were forcing them to choose between their honor or watching their children starve to death. Hell, the orcs were being punished for something done by a rebel group of Forsaken who betrayed the Horde as well.

The reality is he never found the people who were behind it so he couldn’t have handed them over anyway.


This is the basic mindset of siad toxic playerbase. They hate on Baine because he feels guilty for what the Horde has done.

They feel like everything would be a humiliation even ackknowledging what they did.

So get them humiliated, to the ground with them.
Have them feel how great that is. They got their share when they were ALL CHEERING after the Teldrassil picture was revelaed. Now they should pay for that.

Getting their share of crappy humiliating story that only makes you feel sad and disgusted, like a 3rd class customer who is spat on.

I touched on this.
