Shadows Rising: Thrall's thoughts on Tyrande

Because moral highground is utterly useless when you become a punching bag in the process. It’s like getting beaten up in a fight and claim you won because you didn’t hit below the belt. No one actually thinks that you won. Not even yourself.

But I have not. I left at the end of legion, and were only following the major beats of the story. I only returned to the game recently, and the forums with it. I haven’t, and don’t intend to bash Horde players over the head with it, or say that you deserve to be punished for the story. But I will wish that Teldrassil have a bigger impact than it has so far. And That shouldn’t be too much to ask for.

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I mean Jellex isn’t blaming you really, she’s just saying if you saw or go and read the past 2 years of so of the forums, You’d slowly see just about every Horde players Decent into Madness/ Annoyance/ Anger/ Carelessness for Teld/ Night Elf players/ Alliance players in general.

Everyone is mad and should direct said anger at blizzard and not other players, since they get off Scott free to do this again in the future unless called out hardcore by both sides.

We all know the saying of a few bad apples can spoil the bunch


And i’m sure if I do I will see plenty of Horde posters cracking jokes about Teldrassil that would make my blood combust.

But you’re right. We should direct our rage at blizzard, since they wrote this nonsense, and they hold the reins going forward.


Woah, you’re telling me an openly hostile and toxic person projects that behavor onto others? I am shocked. Shocked.

Person who wants the game to crap on the horde playerbase for choosing their faction potentially a decade+ ago accusess others of having no sympathy for the other side. Feels a bit hypocritical.


I just want Teldrassil to have consequences down the line, or that a resolution is reached. I swear, that’s all I want. Alright?


Did you mean this quote? (Follow the link for original URL.)

It’s just someone’s notes on the 2019 Blizzcon Q&A, not a word-for-word quote, so we don’t know whether the dev said “the” plan or “her” plan. The context implies the latter, though.


Yes, that was the one I was thinking of. Thank you!

Thanks for providing a source, but it’s still a bit confusing. So she helped Varian in the cinematic to become Warchief or to somehow get back at Vol’Jin?
on Broken shore she usurped him already being the one who gives orders anyway once the Vol’Jin team reaches Varian and Sylvanas,

And back then I alsoaskeda question- why would Varian talk to inferior when Vol’Jin - the actual faction leader he already talked to, was right there ?
Bu I better not dwell into that, it’s like opening old wounds.

I got word-for-word. Steve Danuser at the 2019 Q&A Panel:

    Obviously we had- we’ve seen Sylvanas through the course of Legion, and that intro cinematic, right, when the airships and everything and she’s kind of giving Varian a hand. So, as we get into the Shadowlands we’re going to be finding out a lot of Sylvanas’ motivation and what her relationship with the Jailer is and when it started and we’ll find out that it actually leads back quite a bit earlier in the timeline. You may be familiar with a story called Edge of Night in which Sylvanas lept off the top of Icecrown. And you saw part of the story there. But that was kind of the start of her interactions with the Jailer. And as for why Sylvanas would lend an arrow to aid Varian, there was a long term strategy where Sylvanas needed to get into a position where she could take over the mantle of Warchief, and she couldn’t do that if she was aggro and everyone was against her, so she had to bide her time, and now we’re seeing the fruition of that in Shadowlands.

The bit I quoted was the response to this question: “Did the jailer in The Maw see the Legion as a threat which is why Sylvanas worked with Varian?” Vol’jin isn’t mentioned at all.


I was referencing this bit:

Working with Varian was a long term strategy in order to get Warchief - had to make allies but now we’re seeing the fruition of that.

The word for word bit says it’s “a” strategy, but implies that she’s deliberately using that strategy.

The thing is, you actually wouldn’t. Not here on the story forum, anyway. I can count the number of posters who were pro-Burning on one hand, and most of the Horde posters who are getting attacked for it now are posters who argued against them from the start.

Yet they still get attacked. Usually personally, which is the real deal breaker as far as this comparison goes. Making a joke about a fictional race in a video game =/= calling someone IRL “disgusting” or insisting that they deserve to be punished for the faction’s wrongdoings.

Those making personal attacks are in the minority too of course. They’re just very, very vocal and in nearly every single thread.


You realize that not only Horde players make jokes about Teldrassil? On EU forums there are Alliance posters that made fun of nelves because of it.

This is not a faction issue, some players just enjoy dark humor or mocking stuff like that. It might look douchy but in the end nelves don’t exist, they’re fictional race.
I have to also read lots of comments about players wanting to wipe out Amani completely, and I think that this is douchy because they went through a lot already and they deserve some better treatment.
You will eventually meet people that will say stuff that will ruffle your feathers, but the generalisation that the likes of Liira does is very dangerous.

Especially when Horde players are not a monolith. Blizzard can’t decide if they want to cater to WC3 fans or fans from WC1-2 iteration of Horde with all the edgy and dark aspects.
I had to see people argue about interpreation of what faction is about many times already.
Each player is individual and will have different understanding of the faction he plays.


Even the Dark Iron Player character makes fun of Teldrassil.


Yeah … its only very recently that Troll’s have started seeing a shift in how Blizz treats them. And by recently, I mean BfA … and sadly that treatment only as far as the Horde Troll factions themselves. And even then, Rokhan needs some long overdue attention before I’ll be comfortable with even their current track. The Darkspear are still in a rough spot. Thankfully, Zappyboi and the positive response to at least the Zandalari questing experience seems to have made Blizz more comfortable portraying and writing positive Troll storylines. Which … is a start.

As for the Amani, or the Forest Trolls in general … well lets just say they are the primary reason that if there was a single Alliance “Capital” I would gladly raise to the ground … it would be Aerie Peak. Especially now with “the old god corruption of Azeroth” supposedly being “gone” as of the defeat of N’Zoth. Its time for the Wildhammer to go home and rebuild Grim Batol, Highlands, and Wetlands and let the poor Forest Trolls at least keep their ancestral lands in the Hinterlands. Though my opinions on what to do for them beyond that … are likely a bit odd. :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s hard being a troll fan.

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Try being a Gnome or Dwarf fan. Both literally got no development what so ever until Cata, at which both only got short scenarios and the gnomes even fail at theirs. Then both continue to get 0 development at all until BFA, when the development comes in the form of allied races.

At least trolls were present in every single expansion. Getting development, getting stories told.


Is having all of your disparate peoples slaughtered because you’re considered to be essentially a disposable race “development?”


What the fine Goblin said.

I do feel you though, those races don’t have it great either. You won’t find me sneering at Gnomes getting more screen time.
Maybe this response is better fit for NE fans who claim they ‘get nothing’.