Shadow's Rising Spoiler: Talanji & Bwonsamdi's Relationship

A pact with the devil is always interesting if there’s some uncertainty involved.

Sure, but since when has Bwonsamdi been the devil? He guards and protects the souls of trolls. Deciding to depict him as the devil would’ve been a mistake.

This depiction of Bwonsamdi fits more in line with who he was in Shadows of the Horde, and in my mind, who he should be.


They essentially resolved the conflict they set up in the cinematic.

That powerful moment Talanji realized what her father had done and she was bound too.

The pay off for that moment is in book, and with an arrangement that feels like a weak payoff.

I guess see how it plays out in said book, but as of now it feels lackluster.

But I am pessimistic about this book anyway, I got a gut feeling their going resolve her issue with Jaina as well.

I’m not going to disagree, I think they definitely changed the characterization of Bwonsamdi from originally planning him to be more evil before changing that due to how loved the character was.

I just simply think making Bwonsamdi into this evil Loa would’ve been a mistake. Bwonsamdi was never the devil, he was never evil, he was the caretaker of troll souls.

The Bwonsamdi we got in the book is more in line with Bwonsamdi from Shadows of the Horde. He’s still his trickster self, but beneath the mask he actually cares about you, just like he cared about Vol’jin and the Darkspear. I like that characterization MUCH better than making out Bwonsamdi to be some evil guy, when he never really was that.


Yeah, I understand why they did it, and maybe it is for the best.

Better to resolved a conflict before it mutates into cancerous tumor that is Garrosh 3.0: Voodoo edition.

If only there was a Sports minigame like Bitzball in WoW :relieved:

I don’t think he’s evil either. He strikes me as more of a Chaotic Neutral character who’s actually a real sweetie once you get to know him better. I’m really glad they not going to kill him off. He’s just too adorable :heart:

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I’m very glad to hear this, Horde players were discouraged from having the quest chains in each zone end in defeat. The fact that the Horde are the ones to cannonically clear Uldir does a lot to mend the wounded pride.

On that note I’d be willing to believe that the Alliance clear the Eternal Palace. I feel like their characters have a little more beef with Azshara anyway.


I’m saying that Horde Players kill Zul since it does not make sense otherwise. How would Alliance Players even know about Uldir to go there? It makes more sense for Horde to go there.

As for the Eternal Palace: We see Jaina, Genn Greymane, Thalyssra, Shandris and Lorthemar in the Raid so one would think both Alliance and Horde were attacking Azshara at the same time.

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This is a great addition to her story. I really hope we get more of Talanji as she’s an interesting character.


that is so damn awesome i might race change back to troll

that’s really the only beef i had with playing darkspear; thinking muzzy was just devouring the souls or they are getting Spirited Away to anima prison

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Alliance players cleared that other old god raid. Both factions probably defeated Azshara.

Both cleared the Crucible of Storms Raid as the Horde first seized the Blade of the Black Empire for Sylvanas and the Alliance later discovered it’s absence.

As for how N’Zoth revived the test to see who could defeat Azshara opening the way for his grand escape: He revived the Neferset you know and Uu’nat was physically inside him when the Horde killed him so it theoretically could have been easy to revive him considering what he did to Deathwing during the Madness of Deathwing Raid Encounter.

forever! is the loa of the darkspear!

trolls go with bwonsamdi that’s why sylvanas wanted to kill him.

is the best god of warcraft! if i lived in azeroth i would definitely join his religion

it’s like hades if you were good you will be fine if you were bad you will suffer

It’s funny a few days ago I’ve created a Zandalri Death Knight that serves Bwonsamedi. I hate playing as Undead but always wanted to play a Death Knight so thought of a “Bwonsamedi Knight” since he keeps his followers alive.

That and Bwonsamedi is awesome! I really hope that more is exploited that Bwonsamedi really cares for his followers, and just puts up a “spooky” dealer act to test his followers. I really hope this comes to pass with Talanji and Bwonsamedi growing off of each other. Might buy this book for that reason.

… Loop hole achieved? Hehe

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… Doesn’t the Horde have to had been present for Crucible seeing as Sylvanas got the Black Blade?

I remember he screwed over that woman who sacrificed her daughter for her own soul.

Keep in mind though that at the end of that quest the girl got what she wanted: To be with her mother forever, and the mother did not get what they wanted.

Bwonsamdi kept his promise, exactly, but it didn’t work out for the mother at all.

He did, no one would argue Bwonsamdi is a morally pure paragaon, but his point that if you go to his afterlife as a normal troll, you’ll be fine.

We’ve heard from Sen’jin in Shadows of the Horde and Rastakhan now in this new novel, both of them seem fine. Bwonsamdi is the caretaker of Troll dead, and he seems to do a decent enough job of that.


Oh I meant it as a positive. He screwed over a terrible woman while fulfilling his bargain.