Shadow's Rising Spoiler: Talanji & Bwonsamdi's Relationship

Hey guys,

So the new blizzard watch podcast with Madeleine Roux gave us some… Interesting information about Talanji and Bwonsamdi. They didn’t get into specific excerpts, but we did get some information on how their relationship develops.

Once again, spoilers for the book below:

Basically, the gist of it involves how they grow to like each other.

In the beginning, Talanji is constantly asking Bwonsamdi for the chance to speak to her faither, Rastakhan, but Bwonsamdi won’t allow her to.

Over time, as Talanji deals with internal strife and eventually overcomes it, it’s revealed why Bwonsamdi wouldn’t give her the chance to speak with him. He desired Talanji to grow into her own person and overcome her obstacles on her own, and once she does that, Bwonsamdi allows Rastakhan and Talanji to have their long awaited reunion.

At the end of the novel, Talanji has the ability to scrap her deal with Bwonsamdi, but after he has intervened multiple times to save both her and Zandalar, she chooses to simply renegotiate their deal and leave him as the Loa of Kings, albeit with more freedom to work with other Loa if she feels its necessary.

I love how they had the two decide to actually embrace their role together, and while we don’t have specific details on the exact dialogue, I love the general direction that was revealed on the podcast.


Give us prelates of Bwonsamdi! I want to play a troll death paladin, dang it!


I’d love if Death Knights became something of a Bwonsamdi Prelate. Would be interesting to have a vein of Death Knights who are not all drawn from the same Lich King pool.

Much like how Paladins, and Druids both can have different origins for their teachings than the Holy Light and Cenarion Circle would be really cool to see Death Knights get different variations on them as well.


Bwonsamdi is the best Loa :heart:


He is a pretty neat guy. Blizzard better not get any funny ideas and think about killing him off now.

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So this solidifies evidence that Bwonsamdi can function outside the broken machine of death, as Rastakhan would be Maw-bound otherwise.

I’m very happy with this interpretation of Bwonsamdi and Talanji!


That is talked about as well.

Bwonsamdi has been protecting as many Troll souls as possible from the Maw, but is unsure how long he can resist the Jailer.

That’s how Rastakhan avoided the Maw.


Very interesting. I’m looking forward to reading this book next week.

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OMFG, so neat!! I hope this indeed comes to pass, cause Talanji needs more concrete development than the “golden child always on the right” mediocre development done in BfA. I hope Madeleine delivers; the fact she indeed kept the “school of hard knocks” approach that is so characteristic of good ´ol Bwon (posted in Shadows of the Horde if my memory is right) is a positive lead.

As usual, troll development done right IS the best development. All hail the troll overlords.

Indeed… though as a rogue main, Jani will always keep a special place in my heart.


Souls of those who aren’t claimed by Bwomsamdi’s contracts who Bwomsamdi acquires go straight to his Boss Mueh’zala.

Of course Mueh’zala wanted Vol’jin but got denied him thanks to someone’s help.

Furthermore it seems as if the Jailer decided Bwomsamdi protecting the Souls he got through Contract made him too much of a liability and sent Nathanos and Bwomsamdi’s Boss to get rid of him.

Bwomsamdi protecting the Souls he got through Contract means that Zul(whose second death was at the hand of Horde Players), the Grand Ma’da Ateena(killed by Horde Players) and Emperor Korthek(killed by Horde Players) are under his protection.

With Bwomsamdi taking over De Other Side from his Boss Mueh’zala it is probably likely that the Souls under his protection will get more freedoms over time with whatever restrictions placed by Mueh’zala lifted.

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This. It’d be cool if your DK was a high-ranked Prelate of him who (almost) died and he saved their soul and ressurected them as a DK


Death Knight of Bwonsamdi would actually be really cool, if they could add a lore nod to that.


I think instead of Death Knights they could be called Reapers instead? Also, both Zandalari and regular trolls could get special customization options to reflect that too


Or they could borrow a Voodoo term that already has “bad magic” connotations so functionally okay: Bokors

Bwonsamdi’s Bokors


That sounds more like a sports team.

“And tonight folks, we’ve got an exciting playoff between Bwonsamdi’s Bokooooooors… aaaaaaaaand Hakkar’s Hellraiseeeeeeeeeers!”


The moment you didn’t know you wanted something until it was mentioned…

This is such a cool request.


Bwonsamdi for Warchief!

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I will be the cynic and say that is simple Blizzard snuffing out a potential plot ( the unwanted deal, unfit loa of kings, etc) for generic everyone happy deal.

Yeah, horde doesn’t need more internal conflict but the dynamic between Talanji and Bwonsamdi could have been interesting.

I just realized something
If all trolls who haven’t made a deal with Bwonsamdi go to the Maw/Mueh’zala, would raising them as undead save them from being sent there? And maybe after the Machine of Death has been fixed, Bwonsamdi will have a better attitude towards undead?

“could” have been interesting? Are you implying it’s only interesting if its bad? I would argue its more interesting if they can find a way to make it work versus a story where we need to stop the big bad Bwonsamdi from taking over.