Shadows Rising: Nordrassil Misinformation

They saw the Maw. Zenkan getting a glimpse of that shakes his faith in everything to the core. But unlike them, his deity actually rescued him and indeed every troll he can from such a fate.

Feeling abandoned by Elune might lead one to want to strike back at what’s basically her Pope.


That doesn’t change that the Forsaken, to the Night elves, turned their former friends and family against them. They have every reason to hate them, and none to like them. Perhaps that will change, with their new leadership.

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Probably because it greatly impacts the story…when you know said powerful character is conveniently not around and or lost for some stupid reason, during a massive threat that should concern them greatly.

Doubly so during a conflict between the two factions, like why does faction A not instantly beat Faction B when they have so much more firepower compared to B

Faction B has like…one or two characters to rival Faction A’s 10+ characters.


Seems like a wiser move would be getting to the bottom of why the Unnelves betrayed them. Especially now with Sira in their custody, though to be fair she doesn’t strike me as particularly cooperative.

Calia does try to chime in about the Unnelves she’s been having therapy sessions with but Tyrande seems pretty expressly interested in getting the Banshee’s head.

At any rate as a Forsaken player I’ve been given no que to assume the Kaldorei are now especially adversarial. And I hope they dont pursue that as that idea fell really flat with the Worgen. Who you scarcely ever encounter again after Silverpine. Humans make the best foil for the Undead while the Nelves and Orcs should be off doing Ferngully wars in the fae forests.


One goal does not exclude the other. They can both learn why they were betrayed, while also keeping a very strict no undead policy in their lands.

Yeah and I’m sure that wont come off as silly as they patently do nothing to the DKs wandering around with gibbering ghouls in tow.

And even more curious as you had like Alonsos Faol actively helping Kaldorei refugees in Stormwind. Plus Jania’s brother is undead so that’s probably going to strain relationships there.

It’s just a weird story beat. Elves are too pretty to look spooky in undeath. Whereas with humans you can get people being uncomfortable. Some people get unnerved by the reminders of mortality retirement homes inspire. So seeing the inevitably of the grave starring right back at you is probably that x100.

As Elves have a natural lifespan longer than most IRL ancient empires that feeling just doesn’t ring as true.

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Then let’s quickly change it from “no undead” to “no Horde undead, no backstabbing undead elves, and no horde members in general”.

So you mean how all Alliance towns operate already?


Yes but a bit more extreme. As in kill on sight.

Have you approached an enemy town in game because I’ve never been met with anything else?


Well we can’t judge how everyone experiences the opposite faction by a how a bunch of murderhobos experience things.


What I found most interesting about that part was that it wasn’t Malfurion saying “Don’t do it” or otherwise some measure of peacekeeping. What Malfurion said was:

    “It was not yet time.”


This is indeed very intersting, didn’t reckognize it.

There are several hints which lead to the impression that NEs are planning a huge retaliation.
Malfurion is interesting, but also Tyrande told Thrall that “they [NEs] will come for you and no armistice will save you”.

From that perspective it give a whole new view on why Tyrande acts how she does. Why she kees herself at bay and tries to not let herself go and just attack.

NEs appearently prepare something and thus an aggression too soon might interfere with it,

Problem is:
That is not ingame and unfortunately the words of a brought in author who might aswell just went with these words for no greater reason.

But that idea that even Malfurion is pissed off to such a degree that he is preparing for war, is a great sign.

That means that my previous theory that Maiev who is in charge of the Sentinels and who might be the one starting the aggression is appearently even backed up or even commanded by Malfurion to do so.

I thought that Malfurion might be the ONLY NE left now that wants to prevent a war but I might have been wrong. Malfurion might be the one who prepares it even.
Wow that … gives me a whole new perspective.

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On the topic of Maiev, you might want to check out the other thread I just put up.

That part I did know. But thanks for the filled out blank spots!

Il’gynoth: " The vassal of life disguises treachery. Beware the eyes of green."

Our Green Eyed Friend Malfurion is preparing the grand retaliation at the right moment. On top of it all the Botani are heading to the Barrens in the direction closest to Thunder Bluff…

The best part is that Malfurion will probably notice the Botani and frame them for the attack on Thunder Bluff(which is closest to Botani territory) causing Anduin’s allies to attack them alongside the Horde!

Picture the Tauren in Mul’gore(which is getting an Update in Shadowlands) wiped out by massive vines and the blame being put on the Botani!

Malfurion is patient and cunning so he knows the value of peace yet still desires equal retaliation! Of course such vengeance if uncovered would get him thrown to the Botani’s tender mercies as appeasement though I’m sure they wouldn’t be appeased.

In order to get revenge on the Horde is suspect Malfurion would willingly turn the Alliance into an enemy of someone who hadn’t taken sides to do it!

I have had that theory before, but people insisted that a female character was refered at it.

But betreyal is subjective in the eye of the beholder.
For the NEs an attack on the Horde is none as they never signed a treaty, for the Horde it certainly would feel like betrayal.

Well maybe. The issue is Malfurion was not shown like this for ages.
But the Malfurion from 10k years ago with one simple word banned magic for everyone and banished the ones who wouldn’t comply to wither away out of his sight. (It was just because of Illidan that Bloodelves were able to survive since he gave them the vials of the well to create the sunwell)

But in Terrors of Darkshore we have seen that Malfurion is full of hatred when he inspected the Troll.

So we will see, but it is a great forshadowing… I just hope Blizzard delivers on that.

I have a suspicion that Malfurion is going to be captured, placed under guard by Tyrande who gives her High Priestess role to Maiev and the Female Dreadlord infiltrating Life will(seeking vengeance for Sire Denathrius) bail him out forcing Tyrande and the Players to follow him into the Realms of Life.

That … is a bit too far fetched for me …

Not really in character nor are there even remoetly any hints on it.
Even if Malfurion would openly destroy thunderbluff just for the sake of it. No NE and especially not Tyrande would bat an eye.

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Unlikely that Malfurion would hold any ill will towards Thunder Bluff. As covered in my first post here, there are even still Cenarion Circle Tauren living on Nordrassil with the Night Elves, and Malfurion went out of his way to save Thunder Bluff from the Nightmare during Legion.