Shadows Rising Interview with Author

slam our leaders down another sixteen pegs, otherwise making them look meek and worthless (with the exception of Talanji.)

Yes, crying over the night elves having 3 pages in a book that is 80% about the horde is completely rational, her “bias” really came through with this one for sure with the night elves treading water for the two times they show up.


If she hadn’t said she was a Night Elf fan nobody would be upset and calling it an Alliance book.


Because we have alliance fans? No one’s stopping you from talking about Talanji and Bwonsamdi. There’s even a thread for it.


You do know it was massively outlined by Blizzard as she has said in pretty much every interview. That’s even mentioned in the second bullet point of this thread.

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I’m so glad she wanted to give some lesser characters some time in the spotlight. Especially Ji Firepaw. We’ve joked for years about how neglected the Pandaren have been overall, but the treatment of Ji and Aysa in particular has been pretty egregious. Worst part is that they’re decent characters. Ji is fun and my only sorrow is that we do not know if he succeeded in his dream of punching a dinosaur in the face. Shine on you crazy Panda.

I’m not as attached to Mama Proudmoore, but I adored that one scene we had her for as well. Reminded me a little too much of my own mother and her social ques when having a fancy dinner.

Just well done overall.

As for her Night Elf favoritism, I don’t mind that she has her preferences. She seems to have made a genuine effort to get into the headspace of Horde characters and add depth to them. And I feel she did that well.


And Metzen’s favorite was Malfurion. I’m really not seeing your point, Treng.


My point is that she really laid into the Horde cast with Tyrande and didn’t give them any legs to stand on in the encounter because she needed Tyrande to come out on top.

This is not a one faction game, no matter how much Blizzard presents it as Alliance-Only.

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Wow, yeah Tyrande was mad that the horde committed genocide and she didn’t care for more words instead of actions after the horde betrayed the night elves trust again after SoO. Truly this is a one faction game, she should just get over the genocide already, if anyone is mad at the horde for atrocities they commit it’s a purely one faction game for sure.


I’m not “crying” about Night Elf content. I’m annoyed that the Horde is being written by an Alliance fan.


Honestly, I like how she handled the Horde. Thrall actually did stuff for a change, she made sure to include as many different characters as possible, she made it so the Horde wasn’t this hive mind (Gazlowe was actually against something, I can’t recall what), she had different races working together in different ways, showing off their strengths, making up for one another’s weaknesses, etc…

Honestly, the way she wrote the Horde, it’s the most Horde the Horde has felt like since WC3. I’d say the only cringe-worthy part was Thrall going to Nordrassil and being told to bring what he owes, but at the end of the book he gets his last shot in by sending Sira to the Alliance with the note for Tyrande. “This isn’t what is owed, but consider it a start.” Felt like he’d gotten his spine back and was almost threatening her in turn, a kind of, “Don’t underestimate me or the Horde.”


Tyrande didn’t come out of that argument looking good by any stretch if you ask me. Thrall went to see her to try and solve the issues regarding their dead not moving on properly. Both a Horde and Night Elf problem that they could both benefit from and should want to solve.

Tyrande didn’t care at all for her own dead nor the Spirits in that scenario and came off as being petty.


Probably because the Alliance was on the dark side for this book. Torturing refugees and smugglers for information? Tyrande threatening Thrall and Baine, etc… It was a significant departure from the Alliance’s usual narrative.


You are absolutely are and her being a night elf fan isn’t even something that comes across in the book especially with the night elves barely being in it and doing essentially nothing. The fact is, if she didn’t say she liked the night elves in an interview you wouldn’t wouldn’t be crying so much about it now.


Show me where, please. Show me where I have made one single complaint about Night Elves getting a scene in the book.

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Right here:

Her being a “massive Night Elf fan” was entirely irrelevant to the book and she did a lot of research outside of the book to get into the heads of the different characters, a book that was massively outlined by Blizzard. Her only original character in the book was a troll too.


Uh-huh. And which part of that says I am upset that the Night Elves got a three-page scene?

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I’m talking about you crying in general, the night elves in this book were pretty much irrelevant and got almost nothing here, but you had to complain about her writing a book while being a “massive night elf fan” which is irrelevant to the book.


No, you’re not. You accused me very specifically of this:

You’re moving the goalposts.

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