Shadow's rising continues the attitudes of BfA


Bow down before the Dark Lady, Goddess of Death!
For the Forsaken!
Death to the living!

Which is why this writing is god awful.

They took no pleasure in the torture. And they only did it because there was just no other option.

Ideally both sides should have joint forces investigating and searching for sylvie. So the refugees would have just talked to their fellow horde.

But the book leaves the horde just sitting bickering well talanji whines snd ally do all the digging.

Sylvie was never worthy of faith or trust. She’ll be a loot pinata soon enough.

Sigh. I’m horde and I actually really want to be a villain or a savage all the way. But now I start with villain and end up surrender to alliance. Feels retarded.

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I’m not saying they took pleasure in it either. Wrong is still wrong and with a character like Turalyon, I expect a better compass. But like I said, I personally don’t mind the direction the author took.

And yes I did find it strange how Horde had such a big spotlight in the book and yet the Alliance were the ones who actually put in the work to get things sorted out.

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Nah, you gotta do what you gotta do.
If you’re defending a murderer who drove a whole people to extinction to get their rocks off you’re just as guilty.
So he deserved it.

Why would Lor’themar speak ill to Jaina? He’s tried to join the Alliance twice.

You keep bringing up Dalaran. You know the only people killed, according to lore, are the ones that resisted and fought, right? They were also in the process of stealing an artifact for Garrosh to kill most of Azeroth. Innocent shopkeepers, my you-know-what.

Pretty much this. Not like the Horde tried to stop the bombing of Theramore.

The sooner people accept that the Horde are the bad guys, the better. They’re not “noble savages”, they’re just plain savages.

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But yet its okay that horde are constantly written as the bad guys or have another warchief go crazy again

Not sure where you got that. I’m saying the opposite. A story arc that keeps shaming the Horde while letting the Alliance off free is a horrible one. But the books shows no sign of that changing.

Sorry I missed it interpreted that. The whole Alliance vs horde writing at this point is just pointless

I will tell you what the problem with WoW storytelling is.

Leaders and comic-heroes. The story is so focused on how individuals feel that it completely ignores how an entire people or population can feel about a certain matter. When you play as Horde it is like scooby doo crew solving mysteries. Where as Alliance is boy wonder and has pet dog.

The Defias were interesting since they were a group of people who worked and were not paid. That is their entire motivation.

We murder the Scarlets on mass even though they represent zero threat to Stormwind, are a proxy enemy to the undead / forsaken. As well as the fact that they are the true survivors of Lordearon attempting to survive in a world that manipulates them through walking corpses (former friends / family) and underground cults. Of course they are paranoid.

Yet we give them no empathy, no sympathy and fail to acknowledge them as a legitimate interest group. We are essentially exterminating the remnants of Lordaeron.

While this is happening we are concerned that Jaina is sad, Thrall is having a midlife crisis w/ impotence and Anduin is doubting himself. None of which is particularly interesting to the world at large. The only time something shows up that effects the world is if it plans to destroy it or it is an item of high, high, high fantasy (Ie: some realm cascading on itself).

Nah it blows our mind that you continue to play Horde. If you want to play a non-villain facfion the Alliance awaits you.

Why has no God warned us about death until one rogue and now vehemently hated leader forced you to understand the situation?

Horde torture prisoners = evil
Alliance torture prisoners = “… they weren’t cooperating …”

nice double stands people have here, very interesting, yes.

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Oh cool, more forced uncharacteristic garbage. Thanks for the warning OP, tired of the story being so forgiving toward Alliance, who celebrates a genocidal crazy person from his death all the way to now despite faction relations mending. While Horde consistently tries to push that out of their society, Alliance accepts it and still does.

You had 17 hours to come up with a reason why and you failed, which means you know it’s true. GG.

This amount of head canon is totally on the fan-fic level