Yes stronger, and harder. the idea is that voidform would be extremely rewarding, but not last for 80-90 stacks like it did in legion when it was broken. That’s 80-90 seconds. 40 seconds of which you could say, were over 60% haste bonus, That’s a long time to have a 60% haste bonus
but what if we got our 90% haste in 30 stacks, that’s only 30 seconds from start to finish and then had to build it back up again. it retains that super fast paced high execution style of legion, while not letting you have 40 seconds of insane dps because there happens to be a cleave situation during your STM
The spec isn’t about a smooth rotation. If you want to do decent damage you have to rush toward void form for the damage buff, burst until you’re empty. And then immediately rush to get back into void form and burst until you’re empty.
It’s not smooth, its annoying. Especially when you have to stop your rotation to move due to mechanics. Rage, Maelstrom and the like do decay when not being used, but they decay at a reasonable rate.
A Fury Warrior can cap on Rage, and if he’s forced to move, all he’s probably lost is less than 5-8 rage. Easily regained.
A Shadow Priest hits Void Form and he’s forced to move, that can blown over half your time in void form.
In short, Shadow is a race to the top for the damage buff, scrambling to stay on top, and then plummeting to the bottom again. That’s not fun. It quickly becomes exhausting.
Lol idk about you, but i’ve never had a problem with any fight or M+ on my priest in BFA so far. To me shadow priests aren’t meant to be smooth. the fun was trying to maximize your stacks, then try again.
It’s like claiming sub rogues as broken because if you get BS’d on a shadow dance, you lose like… all of your dps. but that’s part of the class, learning when and how to properly use it. i’m tired of one-button wonders
Sounds like arms warrior in WoD. An entire topic in the beta saying “everything about this spec sucks and needs to change” and then nothing gets changed. Spec ends up being garbage as everyone said.
You might be a little late to the party, but ion in one of his interviews, also it’s transcripted on wowhead he mentioned, “Shadow priests are on our radar”, so yes theirs a lot of negative feedback but atleast they’ve acknowledged it, a lot more then other classes.
Edit: just remember theirs still around 6 months until shadowlands release, I know everyone wants changes or info soon, so do I, but we have to understand this pandemic has set a lot behind, atleast they identify this is a problem, considering blizzard rarely now days speaks about classes, it’s a good start for shadow priests.
Another problem is they said theirs no major overhauls happening to classes, my best bet, whether we like it or not, they just going to keep trying to make voidform work, just like how they keep pushing surrender to madness…
Yeah. I remember comments made to the extent of “We won’t talk about that.” Yeah, Blizzard straight up SQUELCHED discussion about issues with Arms. Is it any wonder people get apathetic about testing?
Though of irony, in regards to testing, I think it was Preach who made a comment about Alpha.
“If you want us to test, we need more people in the Alpha!”
He was referencing this as they were doing a dungeon.
Isn’t it funny though? To have a expansion named Shadowlands. You would think it would be the best time for Shadow Priests to shine. And get back to using Darkness and Shadow. Instead of Old God worship.
shadowpriests are currently terrible in SL. there’s absolutely no downtime between gcds and you have a very constant, boring and fixed rotation. What was supposed to be a plus (going voidform) is now a necessity to keep up with the other classes. And yeah, I had much more fun as shadow without void form, always hated it and would like sp go to back to mop era. The shadowform looks were also a lot better when it was translucent as well. Still look at the wotlk scarlet crusade raven priests with a lot of envy.
the spec that was supposed to be about the master of arms, about using a big weapon with powerful and strategical blows that is just about bleeding damage?
First expansion i have abandoned my Warrior, i refuse play fury.
And i think in shadowlands they just decided to put a bunch of abilities back and call a day, they said the classes would not have massive changes, so sadly i expect things to be more or less the same in the “feels”
Honestly we need an expansion that focuses on class changes where the devs actually dive deep into them and sort them out. This expansion customization is the focus sadly, hopfully they take a better look at them.