“Never heard of it.”
The writers. probably.
Exactly as Zovaal intended.
He is deceptively cunning after all.
Shadowmourne was not a true mournblade, so, it’s not really relevant.
It’s really on the same level as Thunderfury in the sense that, there’s likely a canonical wielder of it, and that wielder is probably dead, so it will stay lost until it’s needed for some quest on Azeroth.
Is there anyway to truly solo the quests to make that axe or is the infusion of blood part still the big kick in the ribs? I’d love the axe for my unholy DK but if the blood portion truly will keep demanding multiple people be involved I sadly can’t get any further. Which is a shame as if I complete that questline and kill Arthas with it I also get the toys, mount, and tabard from that special chest and that would all be wonderful to get my hands on. Rather than bribe a few people with them just so i can get the axe made like some folks might be having to do
Shadowmourne is the Players’ Axe so Zovaal is not in a position to hand it to Anduin anymore than he can give him the Blades of the Fallen Prince.
The one Mourneblade that can rival Zovaal’s masterpiece is still in our hands or sold off to who knows where!
The upgrade to Zovaal’s masterpiece is burned out and dead too while also still in our hands and not being sold ever!
Kingsmourne is Zovaal’s only choice.
Its a generic mourneblade apparently they can whip one up when ever they want.
Same with the armor of domination nerzhul/arthas/bolvar rocked.
Primus creations no less also, Primus : “It was I who scribed the runes of domination up his flesh.”
Every WC3 era DK has a runeblade that eats their soul. That’s from WC3 manual and the RPG I believe.
There’s a slew of other runeblades as well. All fire mages get a runeblade artifact, every warden warglaive… I’m sorry “umbral crescent” is also a runeblade.
and then of course there’s runeblades in the game…
…and I’m sure there’s probably more.
But I guess none of those are ‘real’ runeblades anymore… because reasons?
I get their not MOURNblade runeblades, but that’s seriously just a mcguffin to justify the bad writing.
I know this isn’t much consolation but all the items that drop from that chest can be bought (at least, I recall that it’s all of them) from the AH. The prices might be insane nowadays though. I lucked out back in the day. But I agree that isn’t the same as the personal satisfaction of having Shadowmourne (in your bank) rather than boring old Shadow’s Edge.
I did it back in MoP on my DK with a warlock friend. Using a combination of the sacrificial blade toy, soulstone and Raise Ally we were able to 2 man Blood Infusion. Won’t work nowadays.
A change needs to be made. This isn’t a “please hand me a legendary” change, it’s a at this point it is not realistically doable one. While we’re at it, can we get some buffs to the Talon’s Vengeance faction? Just make the NPCs at the towers give rep. It’s that simple.
They are rune blades but lesser blades act as amplifiers for death knights ability basically overlords from sc in wc blades.
Forget when but dreadlords where the ones to get frostmorne and the armor of domination that was used to bind nerzhuls soul. They either stole it from primus or primus was already enslaved and forced to make it.
I think technically I wore it, as I’m the champion of Azeroth
You … You … But… How… What…
What the hell you dont know what shadowmourne is you should be asahmed being a wow player
I can help you with it ingame if you want it as i did it on like 10 toons but if you have 4 alts then you can solo it it does take a bit of trick thats like this .
Get to the blood queen make a raid then list it in group finder then bring your 3 alts to icc in the same raid and log off at blood queen then after 3 are there log with your main start the encounter and as soon as you get the buff alt f4 then use bnet start game and log alt and after hes in alt f4 instantly and start game again and log your main now in the game you will see your main and your alt and as soon as the bloodlust starts click your alt and do the same thing 2 more times and voila you are done .
Thats how i did this on like 3 toons because i didnt knew this before when i did 5 toons mostly for the box thats like 400k+ gold for so little work . That being said if you dont want that much effort done or not have alts i can help it takes like 10 mins tops
Dude put a post in lfg and see who applies. You dont have to bribe anyone.
They retconned that with wrath basically the rune blades are antennas for the LK to control the ever growing scourge through the death knights.
They also allowed the LK to boost the knights powers/ability when needed.
Basically the legion era deathlord classhall set up where the pc was able to make the 4 horsemen, raise an undead dragon for a mount etc.
Fun fact; Shadowmourne has 3 sockets on it. Just saying.
I get that apples are not 2x4s but that’s just a mcguffin.
in the bank. gemmed and enchanted.
You just need 2 or 3 folks to do it can be tricky cap lvl but there is the sword you can get to hit npcs you have to trigger for interrogation etc to avoid killing the queen with one shot.
Dont remember if ghouls/pets count anymore but that was a way to do it at one point with a lock/hunter while unholy.
Yea to bad for rets agatha is a crap show original fight was imp mother.
Frostmourne is the only ‘Mournblade’ I intend to ever consider canon.
I’ll say it again: They are riding Arthas’ coattails all the way down to the trash can.
Let’s see how far they get by butchering old lore.