yooo brother!
this is jake right?? Aloreon?
What’s up!! Olbaido wants back in
I’d love to link back up in Classic or current!
Sup Jimmy!
Yeah buddy. Still cant decide on what ill actually play.
Hi gnomelock
Hey Nalya! I remember you. Also remember Jeny and Kusa. Sure more names will come back to me. I was Jamie a human priest in Afterlife.
I missed you, guys! That was our beautiful time! I hope see you again soon!
Yea I remember you too!
Here is more names from Afterlife:
OMG DAE!!! it’s Dinaya, the squid goat shammy, i posted my main from vanilla which was Denolm dwarf hunter. How you been!!!
You were in Champions of Light for a while right? I feel like ive raided with you back in MC, this is Denolm Dwarf Hunter
Aaaaaaaaaa! I’ve tried to find you a few times but nothing ever came up! What a trip! I was going to roll on Herod or Thalnos for Classic. This is crazy!
Ukiki, Night Elf hunter. Played with Devils and Angels in vanilla, then they disbanded and i joined Lost Soldiers BC and onward. Did lots of battlegrounds and world pvp tarren mill stuff. For a few weeks i played with the grand marshall premade group, got Knight champion. Only names i remmeber from the group are BaoBao (rogue) and Drizzt, maybe Driszit (warrior). Good times.
I also played with a RL friend, gnome mage named Messa.
Telrúnya <The Elite Guard>, Night Elf Druid. Hoping to roll PVP for Classic and have some more good times with my old guildmates.
Angels and Demons?? Maybe Devils and Angels? Remedy was the leader right? He ninjad the guild bank and quit after BC came out right??
Lost Soldiers TBC! Leader was CreatorD, Pally.
no freaking way! dude it’s been 11 YEARS!!! wtf is UP!!! lol! add my battle tag! tonidaebear#1964
I’ll be rolling on Herod for classic!
Prayer here! Love seeing so many familiar names. What realm is everyone planning on going on for classic?
It is good to hear from you again “Prayer” if thats your real name …?