Shadowmoon Alliance Reconnections

uh hmm one armed fat girl with hooves, camps noobs, etc.

Haha, I recall you had some trouble camping me back in the day haha.

serious? it’s been so long I can’t really remember. name is familiar though for sure

night elves don’t have hooves!

HEY I remember u too!

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Not Horde for the win


Hey Chingy! miss you!

Herod. There is a discord server that some Shadowmoon people started:

Many many familiar names. Looking at guilds, my memory is coming back to me. I was in Lost Soldiers, Champions of Light, Floppin Around, Almost Asian, Treason, and United Horde Slayers. I also remember Prayer, Muffinator, Boycott, Icecubes, gnomelock

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HI all!
Tobatinha here, NE Warrior
Imma be sincere here, I was too young in that time so I certainly do not remember any nicks and guilds, but if my nick rings a bell or if you were that friendly player who passed on my Forors Compedium of Dragon Slaying in a Diremaul run, please hit me up!

What was your mains name? I was in Champuons of Light for most of vanilla, my name was Denolm, a dwarf hunter

It is as Gnomelock says. Lots of Shadowmoon people going Herod.

He was a NE druid, Ardon.

@Oody yea there was me Shamrokk and then there was also a NE hunter Shamrock that was in Eternals as well

him, Sabby (NE Priest), and myself came over from DAOC together and he had a couple hour headstart on us on day 1 and was going to play a warrior but rolled a hunter to help us catch up to him and named it Shamrock to make fun of my double k spelling from DAOC but ended up liking it better that the warrior so just stayed on it and so began the long tenure of Shamc and Shamk

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Looking for SUBV peeps or Leanan or anyone who would know him and his crew.

Hello friends! Looking forward to seeing you all on Harod. My 10 year forum vacation has come to an end and I can finally post here. So many faces I havent seen in forever.

Lotusone (NE Rogue) here. Looking for any peeps that I used to play (Belzabub, Konch, Sinfulvixen, or anyone else who’s name eludes me atm).

Oh damn, Nel. Used to play with you because of Belzebub. Lotusone (NE rogue) here.

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boogz! come play on harod

Oh damn, havent heard from you in forever. Sup dude.