I was in Afterlife! Jamie the human rogue:) Then we transferred to Ysondra and became Core. I pretty much played a priest at that point.
G day Mate! Past from the past from the American side of TWS AUS!!
Cptjimmy the paladin that always wore (and still does) the admiral hat!
Trying to get my brother Veiloth back for classic as well.
Did some time in Sanity! I remember Genieve, Windtalker and the whole family there!
Herod Alliance Beast!!
Not Horde people still very much around=)
Mindah was in Nemesis back in the day, a bunch of old Nemesis guys are rolling Alliance on Herod
Icecubes — Night Elf Priest (female); guilds were LFN Army, Sanity, and Not Horde
Looking for:
and so many more
Not Horde friend, ayy!!
Hey Arturis! Who else from Nemesis is coming back?
Far out I remember Boycott! hope you’ve been well man
Nalya paladin from Afterlife, fun seeing all these old names poping up. Now where’s Jeny!
Boycott, Puggims, tubbykins, Destruktor, spiritmaster, muffinator, fallus, maybe Xhelius… couple other guys from all over too…
definitely remember seeing your name around!
That name does ring a bell
yeah thats right i remember now, she was running naxx with nemesis i think
Wow those are some names I haven’t seen in a while!
You making a return? Pretty sure all of us have a couple of hours/week for the game but would still be fun to synch it up with everyone else
Hey Gobb! I used to pvp and casually raid on a Gnome Mage named Nelmari. Used to pvp a lot with guys like Archdefender and Vaselisa, Pyroroth, Shadowreapr, Belzebub, Jokers and Daelak. Will be rolling Horde on Herod.
The guild was probably Order
Iscariot and Tyde we GMs
lol i remember boycott as well. i made a really crappy pvp video with me dueling him. he was a good warrior