Shadowmoon Alliance Reconnections

Lotus! Its great to hear from you. I forgot about Konch! Wasnt there a priest named Diggity that played with us too? Goin Horde side this time on Herod, undead priest as Nelmari.

Sydsilver- NE Hunter Destiny guild

Nono! Is Tawny still around?

Cindrine here! Used to be in the guild Devotion, and Order!
Main was my mage - Cindrine, but also had a Resto Druid, and Hunter!
Where’s everyone going??? Hit me up so I’m not on some random server! LOL

Haha wow.
I def remember you Omen. Think we’ve ran into to each other a couple times since vanilla days.

So many old shadowmoon names.

Blitzmage here, Recognize.
I was that 15 year old that made that cringey guild video on Google Videos. Lmao

Lyuba, Hey it’s Kolat the rogue!

Aldazar! Any more room for the fun? It’s been quite a bit… It’s Ludoh :slight_smile:

…ok, NOW it’s Ludoh

Hi guys, Its Manyform (Misguided) Restodruid always. Was in a few other guilds. Remember mainly the Guild leader Diabolik, Quagster, Wildechild, Samegqwn, been a while :smiley: if you remember me hit me up. Manyform on Stormrage now :smiley:

Sup Hash

Retsu, paladin, guild was Order

Nemy Nightelf druid, don’t remember much else except was in a guild with preistly lol, loud drunk redhead IRL

Hi Retsu, its been 5evar

Good to see you all again, lots of familiar names, lots of great memories.

-The Elite Guard-
-Champions of Light-

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Are you still in Toronto? It’s JR from Chronic

Hey Beast, dont know if you remember me but I’m Dakroth. I was a dwarf paladin in Nemesis. I was one of the guys who was super goofy in voice chat while we were raiding, usually alongside Muffykins?(I forgot how the name was spelled)

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Sushiboy / Necrosushi - Human Warlock,
aka Rakyr - Dwarf Priest - here!

Where are my old SUBVERSION Alliance mates at?
Luci? Diab? Crbastion? Shalock? Saroya (lulz), Enalia, Volk’s Mom? :slight_smile:

Hey buddy! Yes! We are on the Myzrael server. Aldazar#1201 battletag.

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Yo Nel. Ya there was a priest named diggity, been in touch with her over the years through fb., although we havent spoke in awhile. Was hoping to find some of the old school peeps to play with again before servers launch. Couldnt find anyone quickly so I ended up on a pst server this time, Fairbanks, since I am from Cali. Decided on ally again for the racials. You link up with anyone else from back then? Anyways, add me on siamlotus#1515.

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HighlordDak#1497 is my tag if you wanna add me. If you all are on a discord server, I would appreciate getting a linked PM’d to me.