koronis add me on bnet goonch#1427
I remember…
I remember you and gear the hunter
Yo, we played a tonne together in BC, specifically karazhan. Reckonin and I are playing again, what server you planning on playing?
He dude, this is Gimlir the dwarf paladin. I raided with you in Recognize. I appreciate all of that delicious conjured water over the course of Vanilla!
I am looking to find a family that used to play Amethyste (NE rogue) holyman (human paladin) gwenivere (human priest) and amethon (i believe) a NE hunter. my name was Veecon i was a NE warrior
I am surprised to see so many people from United Horde Slayers in here.
I’m looking for anyone who was in Honor Guard back in the day. I was Alsione, NE Druid and one of the officers.
Arcturias - Human Paladin. I was with Misguided mostly and stopped playing during Wrath.
I used to be in Pain as Laynibug NE Druid.
This is Rax. I still remember fangirling about your t1 druid set hahahahaha.
DarkDrow NE Rogue / Styx Human Priest looking for an guildmates from a guild called Dark Hymn that later changed their name to in later xpacs.
Character name was Gosh went by Hash. Had a wife named peanut. If you know them on a discord or something please hmu some how i miss them.
Tyranda, gnome warrior.
Vrastuti here also known as Vras/Tuti - NE Resto Druid
I remember Muffinator (Rogue) and Shstain (Priest) and Yulia (Druid)
I was in PainTrain and i want to say Instinct (and others)… i have a horrible memory and it’s been wayyyy too many years O_O
How are you?? What server are you going to be on?? I reserved a name on herod, horde with my son lol seen anymore from pain around? (Laynibug)
Has anyone seen JIP or JAM from TWS AUS?
@Grymm what server you headed to for classic?
omg thebruce we still talk about him to this day
Jenfeer - Night Elf hunter - The Elite Guard
Later I played Lizabel, a draenei shaman.
Brono is reinstalling, Kilgard said no. Whitemane for Horde, Pagle for Alliance I think? Haven’t determined it yet.