Ironlenny - Dwarf Hunter
i was miijii Gnome warlock was in united horde slayers for a long time.
United Horde slayers rule. I was miijii gnome warlock
I remember doing joint raids with your guild Lost Soldiers I am the Guild Master from United Horde Slayers
Hey Jerry its me Isolis
Former United Horde Slayers members I have made a discord for us join Also I am currently on Server Faerlina
Add https:// to the beginning of that
If it wasnt obvious its me Isolis @Jerryb, @Watario, @Blitzmage, @Hairygorilla, @Eruiongyll, @Boogz, @Winchesta, @Netrocity, @Gnomelock,
United Horde Slayers for life
Let me know! Im currently horde on Kirtonos.
I’m in a work guild on Whitemane, but I’ll let Brono know and we’ll make characters there as well!
O wow this is a blast from the past. I was Melfias a dwarf priest. I was in Eternals. Pretty sure I was there for the first rag kill and some BWL kills. Playing in Old Blaunchy now under the same name. Welcome back all!
Oh, hey! I was struggling to remember the guild name. I was so young when we all raided together that it’s super fuzzy. I was Caric, a NE Rogue. Has anyone kept in touch with any other guildies? I kept up with Celenia (sp?) for a while but I think he and his wife still play.
Dude! Cindrine, how are you? I don’t know if you remember me at all- I was super young but I met up with you and a couple of other Order people at Cedar Point when I was just a little guy. I played a NE Rogue named Caric.
Kmfmeow - Warrior, Shadowmoon-US. Kore, Devils & Angels, and Champions of Light. Had me that legendary mace. Drizsit sucks, etc. Alts were Mydoom - Paladin and Prankcalls - Rogue.
I remember tanking for you in United Horde in MC and stuff. Hard to keep aggro off you lewl.
Diptheria was the hunter always dropping “Deez nutz” in ventrilo. Good times. I OT’d MC and Ony with you. I eventually ended up MTing some of the ZG stuff and early BWL stuff cause I somehow got Tier 1 full before Tiguro which I remember pissed him off lol.
I use to be in this clan. Name is Hmongangel disc priest
Hey Ludoh, Myisty says hi!!! She is hoping to be able to play classic. She works way to much!!!
Dizmatic and Myisty will be playing on Myzrael Server. Invite us…you to Aldazar. battletag is Dizmatic#1390
Come join the discord bro its been too long
DarkMatter here always played Warlock.
Anyone from “The Iscariot Order” or “Total Losers” around? Jamaz(Paladin), Breya, Alve, Emeline, etc.