Shadowmoon Alliance Reconnections

Ironlenny - Dwarf Hunter

i was miijii Gnome warlock was in united horde slayers for a long time.

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United Horde slayers rule. I was miijii gnome warlock

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I remember doing joint raids with your guild Lost Soldiers I am the Guild Master from United Horde Slayers


Hey Jerry its me Isolis

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Former United Horde Slayers members I have made a discord for us join Also I am currently on Server Faerlina

Add https:// to the beginning of that

If it wasnt obvious its me Isolis @Jerryb, @Watario, @Blitzmage, @Hairygorilla, @Eruiongyll, @Boogz, @Winchesta, @Netrocity, @Gnomelock,

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United Horde Slayers for life :slight_smile:

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Let me know! Im currently horde on Kirtonos.

I’m in a work guild on Whitemane, but I’ll let Brono know and we’ll make characters there as well!

O wow this is a blast from the past. I was Melfias a dwarf priest. I was in Eternals. Pretty sure I was there for the first rag kill and some BWL kills. Playing in Old Blaunchy now under the same name. Welcome back all!

Oh, hey! I was struggling to remember the guild name. I was so young when we all raided together that it’s super fuzzy. I was Caric, a NE Rogue. Has anyone kept in touch with any other guildies? I kept up with Celenia (sp?) for a while but I think he and his wife still play.

Dude! Cindrine, how are you? I don’t know if you remember me at all- I was super young but I met up with you and a couple of other Order people at Cedar Point when I was just a little guy. I played a NE Rogue named Caric.

Kmfmeow - Warrior, Shadowmoon-US. Kore, Devils & Angels, and Champions of Light. Had me that legendary mace. Drizsit sucks, etc. Alts were Mydoom - Paladin and Prankcalls - Rogue.


I remember tanking for you in United Horde in MC and stuff. Hard to keep aggro off you lewl.

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Diptheria was the hunter always dropping “Deez nutz” in ventrilo. Good times. I OT’d MC and Ony with you. I eventually ended up MTing some of the ZG stuff and early BWL stuff cause I somehow got Tier 1 full before Tiguro which I remember pissed him off lol.

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I use to be in this clan. Name is Hmongangel disc priest :slight_smile:

Hey Ludoh, Myisty says hi!!! She is hoping to be able to play classic. She works way to much!!!

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Dizmatic and Myisty will be playing on Myzrael Server. Invite us…you to Aldazar. battletag is Dizmatic#1390

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Come join the discord bro its been too long

DarkMatter here always played Warlock.
Anyone from “The Iscariot Order” or “Total Losers” around? Jamaz(Paladin), Breya, Alve, Emeline, etc.