I think we can all agree that the Shadowlands team clearly outdid themselves in most aspects of that expansion. Not in the least the level of effort they put into the zones.
They beat the ever living crap out of TWW zones! I mean seriously! we have enough holes in the ground! Look at Org! its filthy! And even that looks better than whatever this place is.
Why cant we get more zones like Ardenweald or the Maw? Those were the days…
I reckon the team needs to get their priorities in order.
TWW zones are absolutely amazing. Ill never forget approaching Hallowfall for the first time on that boat. My jaw literally dropped at that spectacular view.
Of all the ways Blizz has effed up this game its never been in the art department. Theyve always done a stellar job there. And yes SL zones were great too. I just didn’t like that they weren’t connected.
I liked the SL zones. Ardenweald was a bit of a bait-and-switch tho. Exploring the afterlife and rebirth of wild gods turned into babysitting a bunch of slug monsters and Night Elf bs.
TWW just seems like nothing special honestly. Not bad, just overall unremarkable. Big gem is neat tho.
Isle of Dorn is nice, it’s fine, it’s generic and unspectacular, but not offensive.
Ringing Deeps and Azj-Kahet are zones I’ll probably never come back to after TWW is over.
Maybe not enough time has passed yet, but I haven’t wanted to go back to any Shadowlands zones either. Bastion and Ardenweald were lame. Maldraxxus was okay. Revendreth was nice but not worth revisiting.
I still revisit some of the Legion zones quite a bit. For how much hate it got, BfA had some great zones that I like going back to. Obviously Northrend and Outland had some great zones. AU Draenor even had some good ones.
Maybe something in me has changed and it’s not the game, but SL, DF and TWW don’t have anything like that except for Hallowfall.
It basically amounts to Blizzard throwing out the Lore of the Emerald Dream(changing it from the Wild Gods’ Afterlife into the Wild Gods’ personal dream while in their actual Afterlife with their resurrection summoning their Souls into their Emerald Dream Avatars) because they wanted to split Bastion into two Zones due to how nice looking the other half is.
I absolutely loved Bastion from a looks and play perspective (navigation was by far the easiest of all the SL zones). I liked Revendreth visually, but it was a pain to navigate prior to flying being unlocked. I was a Necrolord, but Maldraxxus got a bit stale. Ardenweald was terrible because the flora and fauna shared the same color palette as the physical geography, so it was difficult to make specific things out from one another.
Isle of Dorn, for what its worth, has the ease of transit of Bastion, but Hallowfall has the visual beauty of it, so I spend most of my time in those two zones.
Ringing Deeps is utter trash. Azj-Kahet is alright, but I think it would’ve been better as Suramar-type experience instead of an entire zone. Have all of the Nerubian construction be one contiguous city (or perhaps a smaller mini-zone), and everything else be its own zone.
It’s also surprising that Blizzard still haven’t realized that zones that are entirely underground give off an incredibly dreary vibe, even if they’re beautifully designed. Deepholm, for example, was arguably the most visually distinctive of the new Cataclysm zones, but after a certain point, being around constant rocky darkness becomes tiring. Maybe they did realize it, considering we didn’t have another fully-underground zone until now.
With luck they will turn Beledar into the last remnant of the Cosmic Realm of Light(considering that Reality is the result of the great clash between the Void Corruption of the Realm of Light and the Light of the Realm of Light this is easy to imagine) complete with 3 Zones(remember Argus had 3 Zones) and have the Roots of Elun’Ahir lead to the Cosmic Realm of Life(with 3 Zones) giving us something aesthetically pleasing while getting those 2 Cosmic Realms out of the way and giving us a break from the Underground Zones.
Maldraxxus is all about rotting flesh. The whole place is basically rotting flesh. Bastion is so bright that I tend to take along an Inky Potion to turn it into night just to avoid the glare, its painful. Revendreath is…ok. Average, I guess. Ardenweald is bar far the most attractive and was a pleasant environment.
While Im not fond of being underground, I tend to not stick around downstairs longer than I need to, to get things done.
I miss the time when they designed zones like Grizzly Hills, my favorite zone in the game. Sometimes when it all gets too tedious I go there, turn the music on, get on a ground mount and just ride through it. It cleanses the mental/emotional palate. There is no other zone in the game I would consider visiting that way, just to be there.
There’s some big misses with this content, like the 20 wave Machinist thing, and the stories are equally what they are, but these zones have a lot more decent activities and discoveries than Shadowlands.
SL zones are nice when I don’t have to see them all the time. I can enjoy the high-fantasy concept every now and then, but I remember during the expansion period it felt quite over saturated
I threw up a little in my mouth.
I’m guessing you didn’t actually play Shadowlands on release.
I can’t even go into Shadowlands zones without getting angry at how long we didn’t have flying. How long they refused to let people swap covenants… Walking around the maw with no mount… Doing those awful intro quests…
Trying to navigate Bastion/Revendreth without a flying mount to quest… with all that verticality…
Nah. I don’t want anything from Shadowlands. Maybe Maldraxxus. That’s it.
The Maw was an awesome zone. I am super serious. I liked the river of souls and how dreadful it was! If i had one complaint, it was that Baine didn’t suffer fall damage like the rest of us when he was dropped from the ledge. It broke my immersion tbh. But other than that, I have no complaints.