Shadowlands worse than BFA?

This ^ WM, phasing and no longer having servers that are just for pve or pvp. You can find fights but it’s so rare to fight people you actually know unless you set it up.
People could also turn on wm when they’re doing an RP event sure it may get crashed but that is what caused all the Rivalry and salty tears in the first place. Just trying to do a campaign can be difficult due to the two different shards on ED.
Thanks blizz.


People that are newish to ED since Legion or BFA don’t understand what ED truly was. It was something special. We can get that back in TBC.

Warmode, sharding, and phasing, are all problems, but they’re not what killed WPvP. Faction balance is the biggest factor. Too many ED Alliance guilds were filled with crybabies who couldn’t handle getting farmed 24/7 whenever they stepped out of a safe zone (due to being trash at the game), so they all either faction changed, or realm transferred. By the end of Legion, WPvP was already dead because all of the prominent/active Alliance guilds were gone and there was no one left to fight.

Blizzard has never done anything to help with faction balance, which was a critical mistake IMO. It’s made a huge mess, and they reacted with sharding/phasing/Warmode which ended up making things even worse. ED was literally the only balanced PvP realm up until Legion - all the other realms became imbalanced many years ago, and the second that happens, it always destroys WPvP.

While Warmode isn’t what killed WPvP, it is going to be what prevents it from ever being revived, because I don’t see how they can ever undo it (at least not easily) and change the realms back to the way they were. To have WPvP, you need a relatively small-medium sized, balanced, closed community, and every xpac, Blizzard moves farther away from that.


I am pretty pumped about TBC. Still loving Classic.

Retail has just done too many stupid things to destroy realm communities.


ED always self-corrected itself by having players/guilds transfer to the weak side to maintain balance. True, grizzled vets prefer being on the underdog side and feasting on the terribles that the faction superior side had.

I haven’t really kept tabs post-WoD. I assume the “old blood” stepped back, and the “new blood” made a mess of things.

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Honest question, how many of you actually play retail? When was the last time you logged in for any serious amount of time? Half of you are just waiting for TBC to be out, forgetting that Grob isnt ED and it never will be. I didnt play in classic this time around, legitimately had no incentive, but I feel a great many of you forgot how TBC was and just like classic will make the same mistake. from what I was told pvp died when bgs were introduced and that became the honor farm, raiding became a joke cause people have been meta raiding it for 15 years. In terms of the ED, how many of you here stopped doing anything with other guilds? Any of you attend the limited amount of events or socialize with anyone outside of your normal group? Honestly my view is ED is just a bunch of little fiefdoms in the small part of the world map with like dozens of guilds that dont participate in the areas where convos like this happen and most of you are too hung up on X year of the game to even look around on who else is playing on the server.


I played Shadowlands thoroughly with a good guild and plenty of friends. Still quit. The wpvp is garbage. Can’t find any Horde names I know. No fights. No rivalries. No good RP to bust. No one crying when RP is busted. No large guild ED fights.

Nothing like ED in Wrath. Nothing like ED in Cata. Nothing like ED in Mists. Nothing like ED in WOD. Nothing like ED in even Legion. The other faction guild leaders just turn off war mode. Can’t find them out in the world.

I remember when war mode was introduced you made a comment about it being good for Sparta because he can’t go out in the world without getting attacked and now he could just turn off war mode. Nothing personal, but that is exactly the problem.

No turning off War Mode in BC. I may want to camp a flight path. I may want to gank lowbies. I may want to camp the other faction guild leaders. I may get camped. That is the choice I want to make by being on a pvp server.

War Mode is trash. Bottom line.


Thats funny all i hear on horde side is that theres no ally to fight, we gotta fight randos from other servers and a guild that advertises themselves as bounty hunters are off playing another game entirely. I mean if they have fun doing that fine, but you cant sit here with a straight face and tell me horde side has wm off so much that you guys cant find fights. Its almost like theres multiple instance shards going on that split up the player base far too much once the initial wave of content is over…

Exactly. Like I said originally, sharding and War Mode killed ED. Spilt the player base and put us with other servers. Wait a darn second, what doesn’t have either of those? Could it possibly be The Burning Crusade?

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I dont know, one week, just one, of the Maldraxxus thing and we had very very few instances of people not being able to see each other. And even if they couldnt, it was fixed very quickly.

People just arent going out.

Lmfao… A “good guild.” :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: Can’t believe you had the audacity to say that. Hardly any active members, 5/10 Normal, ranked 40,254 in the world. Literally never even heard of them until just now (and I already forgot their name). Guild is complete trash.

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He probably means he plays with people who are kind to each other and know how to make bonds with each other. 🥸🤡


Tallywa - you have to step up your troll game. It seems to be lacking lately. You still in D7?

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SL is the most garbage expansion ever for wpvp, but that isn’t what killed wpvp or Emerald Dream for that matter. It was already dying in BFA.

Even if you got rid of WM and phasing, Emerald Dream would still be dead.

WM and Phasing put the nail in Emerald Dream, but the toxicity of the server was already killing it.

Right after we transferred to Emerald Dream towards the end of Legion, a large chunk of the RP guilds left for WRA.

What attracted a good number of people to Emerald Dream wasn’t just wpvp, it was the an idea where they thought they would have easy pickings with roleplayers. Shocker, a lot of them could actually fight back and it made for an amazing wpvp/rp-pvp community. The roleplayers, however, eventually got tired of events being wrecked. A lot of them made it through several expansions on Emerald Dream, but evidently there was a limit and a lot of them hit it and left.

I spent most of BFA listening to the Horde complain there weren’t near as many alliance and that wpvp was sucking compared to previous expansion because of this.

Yup, now I’m on the ERP server, yayyyyyyyy. That’s how dead wpvp/rp-pvp is. What’s even more sad is how many old Emerald Dream people I meet on Moon Guard who are always like “remember when…”

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He hasn’t been in d7 for ages.

When they faction changed to Horde, I joined up to legitimize them, and gave them instant credibility and respect. They were very successful with me as a member and officer. I lead daily WPvP events, was the top M+ DK tank on the server for most of Legion, and maintained one of the top ilvl’s in the world throughout the xpac. However, I’ve long since parted ways.

They turned the player engagement knob up to 11. There is too much to keep up with for me. I am also kind of over the borrowed power/borrowed power grinding. The borrowed power reset cliff from BFA => SL was just brutal.


What a stupid post lol


I am convinced you just WANT to feel down about the game. Everyone who has been on this server forever knows that WM is constantly hurting it. And alliance complaining about it should simply turn it on. I completely agree with all those about TBC tho. It will just be nice to switch between both retail and TBC wherever the fights happen. See y’all out there!

Go to other realms. They have the same warmode, and they’re not like ED. Moonguard and WRA have more wpvp than ED, and its supposed to be what were known for…

ED has no gm’s that actively pursue wpvp on alliance side. And horde wpvp mentality is show up in a zerg then bail once you wipe them. If they even bother to come at all.

Its just not something people care about here. Truth.

Realm is just full of people defeated mentally, theres no drive to do anything. (Because if they wanted it, truly, they’d have it.)