Shadowlands won’t actually "UNPRUNE"

yea if you looking at raiding only to maximize boss damage sure lol but most classes had kits that could be fully utilized in open world and pvp. quit generalizing to serve your narrative

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What the OP said was:

Talking about rotation. My response was also talking about rotation so…

Unless felflame is unprunned this whole unprunning business is a sham.

And DH wont benefit from it at all.

The writing is on the wall folks, this xpac is looking just as bad as BfA.

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rotation isnt exclusively on raid bosses and the ONLY reason why more abilities arnt utilized in classic is because of boss debuff slots which are a thing of the past now.

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oh wow another post made by someone with an opinion claiming things he has zero sources for. And then making up situations that never happened.

What the

Just when feral finally is decent, a new xpac will make us one of the worst specs again and no one will invite us.

You purposefully opened his thread and then purposefully read it. Then you purposefully replied. Take some responsiblity for your own actions.

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And you purposely made a post with no purpose.

Get over yourself.

I’m not the one crying about wanting to mute people because I need a safe space when entering other people’s thread.

If this was real life you just barged into a group of people having a quiet conversation and proceeded to shout about how you hate how negative they are.

You are the negative one. You are projecting.

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The things people want unpruned are typically niche abilities and flavor abilities. They weren’t ever meant to affect a class’s rotation.

Many classes are in a good spot. Some do need changes though.

Blizzard has a problem where they tend to reinvent the wheel in some way every expansion with classes.

They need to find a place where people really enjoy the way the class plays and then don’t touch it. At least not its’ core abilities. Obviously nerfs would be an exception.

The fact you jumped immediately to safe spaces, trying to defend a guy that literally does nothing but post as many outrage threads as he can, while claiming to not be playing anymore and only playing SWTOR is laughable.

White knight away for the forum troll. :woman_shrugging:

Are you the outrage patrol police?
Just asking for a friend

Nah, I was actually ignoring the thread after my post until someone tried to white knight. :woman_shrugging:

Ralph just wants to complain. While pretending to do other things.

Ok, just checking

Even though the OP is a known complainer. I sorta agree with him. Many of the “i quit” posts state that classes that aren’t fun as one of the reasons for quitting.

Holinka has stated there already aren’t going to be overhauls… And given holinkas rep already doesn’t fill me with confidence.

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What i’m seeing is a whole lot of conjecture based on nothing

Hey Ralph, if you hate already hate Shadowlands so much, why did you buy it? You’re a Panda DK. There’s no hiding it.

All they have said is that they aren’t doing entire class overhauls, like outlaw rogues or survival hunters.

That doesn’t mean they aren’t doing anything, and from whats confirmed coming back, a good portion of that abilities listed were sorely missed.

Do we hope we will get more than just whats listed? Of course, but at the very least they’ve acknowledged it’s an issue and are taking a step back in the correct direction.

I’m not holding my breathe, but I can at least be hopeful, and not a eternal pessimist. :woman_shrugging:

Besides, if the Team A team B fan theory turns out ot be true, Shadowlands might actually be pretty okay.

Because he’s a hypocrite that just wants to stir the pot.

Source on this? Because most people I know quit for very different reasons.

Do you have some sort of inside track on what will be changing, or are you just making stuff up to get people all riled up before we even see alpha or beta to know what we’re getting?

Because class design that you don’t like is obviously the only thing wrong with the game. :roll_eyes: