Shadowlands won’t actually "UNPRUNE"

Some would call shattering throw “homogenization” because it’s copying a unique priest ability and giving it to someone else.

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Hey so can you tell me where the facts and not assumptions in your post are? You mentioned zero core rotational abilities… yet fireball and frost bolt are going to every single spec for mages.

Of course you meant to say that the flaws in BFA were noticeable from the ALPHA, but we haven’t even seen Alpha or any data mining yet.


Good. The last thing I want is 50 key binds again.

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I find it ironic that the OP says he plays SWTOR when SWTOR hasn’t had a story advancement worth a damn in nearly five years. We’re still focused on the Alliance-Zakuul mess. Ooh, Malgus came back, ooh, ahh. Big frakkin’ whoop. The only bright spot I’ve seen thus far is that finally, FINALLY, they’re giving us our damn castle on Alderaan.

Agree. I think the classes and rotations are fine. Some specs need a bit of work.

I played very very little this expansion and it had nothing to do with pruning and everything to do with pretty much everything else.

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Let’s take a moment to count the amount of …’s used here.

It’s 10. (Only joking)

We got the edgy anime kid over here! How mysterious… how brave! His brain is just so incomprehensible!

I don’t think classes/pruning was trash. I like what they did for the most part. Yes, some classes are kind of boring to play and if those got a few new talents/changed up a bit, that’d be good but classes aren’t trashed imo.

Also, did you notice that in Magni’s essence room there’s a talent tree to choose from for HV’s?
Talent trees may come back but I think they might show up differently. I hope we don’t get them back on our characters directly.
It’s so much better with talents the way they are now.

Just FYI this was literally the ability Ion brings up every time he talks about unpruning.
Rewind Time will be included. Just because it wasn’t shown at Blizzcon, doesn’t mean it won’t be included.
He’s mentioned plenty of times this will be one of them.

Blizz is going to have to try and release shadowlands within ten months. Even if you perceive 8.3 to be a good patch, that is a long run of content drought and risk major sub loses.

I’d forgotten that. I just remember seeing the 1% or .05% improvement and descriptions, thinking how some seemed the same.

Now that makes it seem as if we have choices. Idk if they’d ever go back to that, though.

Meh, typing on cellphone and auto correct flavor of the week I guess

So what. If Shadowlands is a good expansion it will retain a higher amount of players for a longer time. If you want it rushed, you’ll have even less players for most of the expansion into the next content drought.

Doesn’t matter though, because BFA was announced for late September and released mid August. Anything could happen. I have a feeling that Shadowlands was further in development at BlizzCon 2019 than BFA was at BlizzCon 2017. Warfronts were barely explained and Island Expeditions were just… so iffy when we first heard about them. Not even mentioning the deliberate vague statements about the Heart of Azeroth last time.

This time around we got a good idea of the Soulbind System, the Covenant system, Torghast’s features and Legendaries, etc…

Point is. I don’t think we’ll actually wait 10 months, and even if we do, it won’t matter much.

I don’t want it rushed by any means. I was just saying it’s kind of do or die for blizzard to release before the content drought hits. Hoping for an 8.3.5 for the heart of azeroth send off, conclusion of the sword, and hopefully the remaining heritage armors for the rest of the races.

I’d agree shadowlands seemed further along at blizzcon than BFA was at blizzcon.

How do you know that Ralph? Where are the numbers?

Well as I said bigger and better. Think Path of exile better. (but not as much, there talent tree is crazy confusing and large.)

Maybe it’s time to come up with new spells/talents for every class/race. Imagine if they added a dozen new spells and an extra couple of talents to each class.

I am so convinced that this is where they are missing their mark. They have the artwork down pat, they have the lore down (not everyone will agree, but if you read the books the lore is very good. ) Especially

The War of the Ancients Trilogy

Here is the worst analogy I can come up with (not purposely the worst) have you ever noticed that if you take a paint strip and then place it beside another color paint strip, your eyes will see the original color change a bit?

Well that’s how I think building up character depth will help WoW, it will change people’s perception of the actual game play. Now I am not saying they should not strive for better game-play, of course they should (especially after upsetting so many with BFA)

However I truly believe that their Ace in the hole is improving character depth, and talent/spell wise.

They also need to start exploring new avenues for lore. After all what is written today will be in the past tomorrow. If they expect WoW to survive another 10 years they better have their writer’s building today. I am sure they have a powerful team of writer’s. However not everyone has the same taste. Such as War of the Ancients, I loved it but many did not.

After reading about the release of W3 reforged, it got me thinking, that rather than wasting their time on bringing back the past, they could have spent their time working on the present. Building new lore through another RTS W4.

They also should be writing for North America, not China. I can’t say with certainty that they are doing that right now, but I get the feeling that they are building around China more than North America. I could be wrong , I hope I am wrong.

So with all this being said, I still like WoW better than any other game I have ever played.

Well now this turned out to be more that I planned on saying.

8.3.5 was cancelled.

Also this is most definitely NOT a do-or-die situation.

That’s unfortunate.