Shadowlands won’t actually "UNPRUNE"

I feel ya. I see where both sides are coming from. Information obtained in BlizzCon has proven to be false before. I hope that is the case this time around.

@ Rålph
You know … i doubt it is a Unpruning … what they do is what they did since like Cataclysm(since Ion is a big number at Blizzard)…

Just reinvent the Classes again. Every Expansion they did the thing that was not important … reinvent the classes. Up until Wrath of the Lich King … all they did was improve the Classes they had, made every Talent Specc viable … then with Cataclysm they started to shuffle skills around and reinvent the Classes.
For what reason? Other then being new.

I agree with you here … they won’t bring back the old stuff. They will reinvent the old classes, just like they remade Vanilla as WoW Classic … it is close to Vanilla … but it is not Vanilla.

Anyway, i am so pissed and dissatisfied at 8.3 … i am almost out the door anyway, why should i care.

Every time someone brings up 8.3.5 being canceled I like to bring up only 2 out of 7 expansions have ever had a content patch after the final raid and both were fairly lame.

Wrath had ruby sanctum.

Legion had level scaling.

That’s it.

So if you feel BfA is breaking some long standing tradition in curious how you felt during TBC, Cata, and MoP.

Yea because you are still playing the game. Lots of people hate classes, I would say its overwhelmingly based on all the community action over the last 3 years of pruning.


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I’m bad and I won’t defend it.

I feel my rotation was easier before.

Now there are fewer buttons but it’s all about procs, and I regularly miss them.

Before, I could cover up most of my badness by simply knowing what I was going to be doing three or four buttons ahead. I feel like knowing your rotation gave even bads a way to be… not as bad.

But no amount of practice will give me the pure reaction time that hitting those procs is all about.

I actually think good players are happier now and bad players are much, much worse off.

The de-pruning was in regards to FLAVOR abilities, not ROTATIONAL abilities.

If blizzard is saying that they are bringing back Anti Magic Zone, and they do, the unpruning is not a lie. Everything else they said was coming back could be a lie and the unpruning would still be real if we got AMZ back so that us DKs can protect our idiot raid members who can’t figure out how to not stand in the fire.

Bad usually refers to people who dont even touch the forums, they dont even use most wow sites which are a big chunk of the population, and their performance is lucklaster, well until they get that broken corrupted gear and start competing against good players that dont have x broken effect.

There’s a difference between someone bad and someone who tries, nobody is saying people should be method level to be good, being decent is enough.

But mainly what i was referring to was pvp, in swtor thanks to a ton of utility, strong cds on most classes it is easy to outplay bad players, in wow due to lack of those, it isnt, so bad players especailly geared ones end up living in the delusion they are skilled