Shadowlands won’t actually "UNPRUNE"

Yet you’re on the WoW forums everyday instead of playing Swtor.
You gave Blizzard more money to race change to a Pandaren.
If WoW is so bad, why are you still here complaining instead of just quitting?


It is called multi tasking, there have been a ton of times i ve been playing swtor while posting here, though rn servers are down for maintenance D:

And i am still here because the token i used for a month sub when i was expecting to play 8.3 ends in feb 10, so considering i dont play WoW, i might as well get some value out of that sub by enjoy the forums : )

Because he got bored of Swtor since it’s so easy, not challenging, and overall pretty boring.

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I mean, they showed Kill Shot and Eyes of the Beast as coming back for Hunters. That’s the biggest winning move Blizzard has done in a while in my opinion. Likewise, bringing totems back for shamans? Poisons for Rogues? Shadow Word Death moving back to baseline for Priests, Shadow having a a non crap heal(bringing Flash Heal back), etc… While you are right in a sense that they likely will do the bare minimum and some classes will undeniably get a few generic passives or something, I’m hopeful. Blizzard can not afford a BFA repeat.

While I agree MoP had good class design overall, WoD wasn’t bad for some. I loved WoD’s iteration of Shadow, it even gave two distinct playstyles via Clarity of Power or Auspicious Spirits and Devouring Plague. Survival Hunters also felt really good during WoD. As did Blood DK’s. And, secondary stat wise, Multistrike was amazing.

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I hope Blizz will unprune more than what they say they’ll do. The abilities they showed at Blizzcon, that are coming back, are just examples. I don’t think druids getting back Ursol’s Vortex and Cyclone will be enough. They need to give mangle back to cat form. Give Windfury back to shamans. I have more ideas that they should give back but I thought I just throw this in the forum.

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I don’t like when you post. You’re good at presenting negative points and leaving no option for debate even when you’re wrong or arguing subjectively. It’s pointless. Dissenting opinions are one thing, sticking your head in the sand after screaming everything sucks is pathetic and helps nothing. If you hate the game so much, move on.

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A good reason to stay unsubscribed to be sure. Rented power is the dumbest thing about retail.


This right here, I give props to SWTOR for doing even when I belly ached that there was too many buttons in the beginning. I recently went back to it and found myself with a ton of buttons that do a lot of things and actually ENJOYED having all those options.

SWTOR>RPG (Retail Phone Game) WoW


Shamans don’t got a lot coming back tbh. We need actual good abilities otherwise we’ll be left out in the gutter when you get kill shot & unbreakable throw returning.

Windfury needs to return. Other totems that are huge buffs to parties need to return. A Shaman not only fueled themselves but also the party/raid they were in.

Look guys, look at the thread derailer. There is always one and you are the one here. Proud of you.


What exactly am I derailing?

The OP is making up a hypothetical scenario, and we are supposed to treat it as real?

OP has absolutely no clue what he is talking by, because he has no clue what the progress on shadowlands is. OP is making wild accusations about something that will happen nearly a year from now…with nothing to back it up.

Can you really derail a thread created to troll people?


Didn’t troll me, I agree with his sentiments 100%.


You agree with his statements that have absolutely no proof, no backing, no source. And are designed to push a narrative?

I mean, thats nice you agree with a made up situation about the future, I guess.

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No, I agree that blizzard giving back a couple things here and there wont fix their class issues. I believe that 100%. Honestly, it could make things worse in some ways since they do not like having to balance anything.

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So I call this thread a trolling thread, created to incite forum angst by throwing out a bunch of statements that you can’t possibly know (the progress of Shadowlands for example)…and your response is to immediately insult me?

So far you are literally proving my point. Thanks.

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Some people are just more limited than others, it isn’t an insult, it is a fact of life, some of us can analyze and interpret data in a far more accurate and better way than many people who simply cannot.

The key aspect here is making up the data so it fits your agenda.

Don’t forget that.

Considering the data we have , blizzard behavior in the last few patches along as design choices, and combined with the fact how the corporate aspect is affecting all their games, I’m pretty sure the one who doesn’t like facts because it doesn’t fit their agenda, are the blizzard fans who can’t handle the fact that the company they liked is now trash

Meh, only reason why wow has its numbers. Where there at was luck…they hit lightning in a bottle…in 2004, with only one major competitor…that being EQ there was others but wow was to established by then…

And honesty as far as paid MMO’S go Final fantasy gives wow a good run for its money…

But let’s be honest if shadowlands is anything like or close to BFA it’s going to hurt…

Now with that said will wow die na they will keep going for some time to come…but if shadowlands is BFA 2.0 I would wager to guess sub numbers will drop even more…

Only thing helping wow sub numbers now is classic…my guess during the mid to last part of next expansion they will release BC for classic…


Some people just like to whine and complain non stop, because they feel popular pushing an anti-Blizz agenda.

Don’t get me wrong, Blizz has made a bunch of stupid decisions.

But at least I don’t have to make up stuff to push a narrative. I have this weird thing about liking “sources” and “facts”.

Hasn’t been around 15 years. Which is a huge point. MMOs will always have a fraction of their playerbase after such a long time. FF never had the player base WoW had to lose.

Has Blizz made some questionable design decisions? Sure. But we need to realistically acknowledge that a very large portion of that playerbase was never going to stay long term.

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