Shadowlands was fun for me(maybe more late shadowlands)

Late sl was better if they had started with the way things are now i think it would have perhaps baited more people in staying active. I think most of us could agree on that.

I was on for the most part of shadowlands but admit i was unsubbed for a good while in season 1 or 2 i was pretty frustrated 2 at some of the way things were… it didnt help that certain things were gated i remember wanting to switch covenants and even conduits quite a bit. The quest to switch covs at the time was way to long waiting to accept and it was pretty infuriating. NGL

I however curbed some of this leveling alts, oddly enough when i got 60 i lost interest because of some end game gating. However i thought the leveling experience was a solid on blizzards part. If i really need to have a certain race+class combo its never been easier and its getting easier. Saves me :moneybag:.

This is not fast paced? You’re literally one of the handful of people who liked sl. I’m congratulating you on being very special.

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I see no mention of Warlords in his posts.

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WoD almost killed it but legion saved it. Unless DF pulls a legion this game is dead and will only be kept up with store mounts and classic.


u legit cried for a week about lvling for a day in classic wow stop using this talking point that u made up to use against people that dislike modern wow chores

farming gold isn’t even the same as how u used to do it bc there is no gold farm aside from doing pilots or selfplays that net u anywhere near equiv gold as spending 20 bucks on a wow token

current wow doesn’t have typical mmo chores it has mobile game-esque chores

(btw im pooping again and chose this thread and here u are)


Pretty fast paced to me, lol. Oh well go ahead and hate on sl. Doesnt look like you’re going to quit anytime soon haha.

WoD looks good compared to SL, especially PVP.

i loved shadowlands. i legit have no idea what anyone is talking about saying it was bad.
sometimes ill just pretend to dislike it just to make conversation with wow players.

Just because you die instantly to cd sometimes doesn’t make it fast pace. Games go into deep dampening all the time.

Tbh I got hooked on the game back when the storyline/Art was more sword and shield DnD-esque, adventure (which I’m a total nerd for). Now it’s like killing angels in space and I hate it, but like you said; the game systems are familiar and well designed. Running dungeons in ESO, Neverwinter, etc. just doesn’t feel as satisfying.

I just want to be a meatball slingin’, witch doctor in the ruined lands out decimating Scourge, and tracking Kel’Thuzad.

Also another good point. All my btags are lame, and would rather AFK in Oribos instead of making like a million gold a week a piece selling 15 keys. I don’t know how people make decent gold other than selling carries, so the option of just buying a token once you get low is much more time-effective.

Supposedly professions will matter again in DF. I’m dropping Engineering, and going Alchemy; guess we’ll see.

Season 2 was pretty fun.

Unironically down if ull have me

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Yeah dude, if we could find a tank and 1 more DPS it would be easy gold. Half the keys I run we have a carry DPS anyway who is a tag along with the tank.

Only downside is I think everyone has to be on the same server now. Think they made it bannable to sell carries x-server, even for gold now.

That’s my plan next xpac. :smiley:

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You’re a little late in the season the price has dropped a lot

I had fun in SL. It wasn’t as good as legion, but way better than BFA. Big time looking forward to rated solo shuffle in DF.

Uh, hellllloo??

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How much is it now

Yeah, that’s going to be fun

If you want to become thicc pocket M+ sellers with me I’m all about that life. I’m tired of window shopping the BMAH, I want to win auctions for a change, and Illidan is a very rich server. Haha

I just want a lot of gold so I can be one of those eclectic millionaires that walks around town dressed like a hobo and talking nonsense. The mog already checks out.

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