Shadowlands Warlocks

Your philosophy for destruction and demonology Warlocks is very poor with all the hype from blizzcon and the recent blog posts.


feel their core rotations and talent options fit well with our goals for Shadowlands

But we the player base do not share your feelings. Almost every talent in todays destruction kit was baseline at some point and all we get back is curses, demonic circle and a change to fire and brimstone and what a new ability tongue tied?

Can you stop what you are doing and please play this class or at the very least start to listen to our feed back? Just start looking at the class forums again, I know these forums only exist to let everyone vent their frustrations but its time for you to start checking them out again.


It’s gonna be hard for them when they post that Dark Pact is an offensive ability. I have zero faith they have anyone that focuses on playing Warlocks.


curses arent doing much, they just add more buttons on the bars to give the illusion of a change to the class.


Yeah what is going on over there. Those changes don’t do anything for us in shadow lands.

I really don’t wanna think of playing my demo lock with no azerite/essences for the flaws that those systems are currently sorta covering.


Also they could add 20 seeds to additional targets, but if the damage they do is garbage, there is no point, just the illusion of fixing the class. Too much ramp up time.


Kinda sums up how much effort went into destro/demo. Dark pact an offensive ability? Ya just wait in response to our complaints we will get true game changers like a buff to health funnel and 10% more speed on killrogs eye


I wish we could have atleast gotten shadow burn back for the execute phase or, fel flame, ember tap, backlash (god i loved this in tbc “oh you are up in my face 24/7 well here are my instant incinerates”) dark intent, hellfire, spellstone/firestones, metamorphosis or atleast the abilities it gave, nether/shadow ward, those are but a few suggestions that would have been nice but all we get is disappointment. We get disappointment every year can we have something else?


Please post more feedback in the centralized thread so we can have more centralized discussion, please and thank you :smiley:


you haven’t used the curses much in the past have you?

i personally don’t mind the curses they may not add much personal DPS but much like having a Demon hunter it helps other classes… which is what the curses are for…

oh and before you complain about having to press another button… the curses generally last 1 minute or longer meaning in boss fight you may have to refresh it but they are generally a cast and forget…

i’m an affliction lock having to put 1 more cast on a target isn’t going to kill my dps…

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Give all specs the same baseline, allow the player to make his or her choices without having too talent in for best DMG vs none. I want a creative class with talents to enhance an idea and or play style.

Come through Affliction.

No more soul shard spending on UA’S? HELL yeah.

Malefic Rupture will be fantastic. Definitely going Necrolords on my Afflock.

EDIT: Tongue Tied is also going to be very tasty for PvP. Demon Hunters are officially cancelled.

EDIT EDIT: People do need to be reminded that numbers are also subject to change. Stop being so bloody miserable.

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I agree 100% demonology has horrible changes that no long playing demonology warlock wants. Bring back metamorphosis that we had long before legion.

Honestly these changes only are going to affect affliction. I guess all destruction and demonology warlocks should unsub because shadowlands is now a disappointment because you cant enjoy your warlock.


Im a long playing demo lock and this is the best demo has been in years. Its a good thing meta is gone and it should never return. Fun while it lasted but it never made sense.

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Sure u are seeing u quit most of legion. And hardly have any prior experience in the past

I can’t speak much on demonology warlock, but destro lock feels terrible right now, regardless of whether or not it deals decent damage. They’re making a serious mistake by not making any significant changes to destro. I was going to go destro on this toon when I first started raiding on him, but it felt terrible to play, so I switched to aff.


Newer acct. Had some shenanigannery. Been demo forever.

If they were to give us back instant incinerates we at least need a damage buff to that ability.

you are dumb, holy frick.

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It’s a spec built around ramp up time. That’s why it’s dots…the entire purpose of the spec is ramp. If you do not like it then there’s other classes and specs to choose from, but the idea of Affliction not being ramp would kill the spec entirely. The idea of a very short ramp up time would be the same as a SPriest, which you can go play that if you want shorter ramp time.

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I don’t really play Demo, so can’t speak much there. I didn’t even play it much before the recent rework(s). I usually play Aff or Destro.

I just haven’t really understood the lack of talent changes. But when Ion mentioned being behind on working on talents and rebalancing because of extraneous systems like Azerite and Essences it really started to make sense. Feels like the same thing is going to happen in Shadowlands because of Covenants/Soulbinds.

I don’t see how talents like Grimoire of Supremacy (ridiculously strong compared to other talents) and the terrible Affliction talents are going into Shadowlands, other than they refuse to work on the system whilst Covenants and Soulbinds take over in importance.

Maybe they have talent changes in mind and just haven’t implemented them yet, hard to tell because of the unclear communication. For example, in the class preview it says Affliction has “new talents” but in the Alpha the talents are all the same, apart from some numbers changes.