Shadowlands Warlocks

There’s at least one new talent, which is the tongues talent. I’m looking at it right now on WoWhead. Called Tongue Tied. They’ve also edited some talents. Dark Fury has been edited to increase the stun’s range by an additional 2 yards. WiA has been edited to go to 18 stacks instead of 15. Dark Pact has also been edited to include even more damage absorption or something I don’t really understand that talent part. Think it’s just a bigger bubble. Oh! Editing here, Haunt also lasts 18 seconds from the 15 it was before. It still has a 15 second CD so you have a 3 second window to get it refreshed. That plus Shadow Embrace lasts 9 seconds on live, it’s 12 seconds here for shadowlands.

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I did see the info about Tongue Tied before but not see it in the talent calculator when I looked yesterday. I just saw it when I looked at the talent calculator again. Maybe I missed it the first time. It was probably there though all along since it took Teleport’s spot.

Yeah, I did see those changes. I really like the WiA change, looks like multi-dotting is going to be pretty nice again especially with MR as a spender.

Hey, they cleave capped felguard bladestorm, that’s something… ha ha!

lol ten characters

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When I saw they added Curses back because Warlocks seemingly don’t have enough buttons that was the first half of them not having a clue. The second half was the terrible talent changes and non talent changes. They decided to keep around garbage talents like Vile Taint, and even managed to design an even worse one!! Tongues Tied. Yeah my Tongue is Tied with how bad it is.

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yeah the lack of changes for demo especially makes me concerned. I actually really enjoy the current version of demo, it may even be my favorite version of demonology to date. but it only really functions because of how heavily Azerite talents/traits on our gear/neck prop it up.

-our shard generation from 1x demonic meteor and memory of lucid dreams

-haste procs from corruptions and EP

-and the extra damage, CD reduction and shard generation from VoP+BI for our demo tyrant

without these things demonology just won’t be fun to play anymore and I really don’t see the new temporary power systems being able to compensate. something fundamental will need to change in this specs core design this expansion otherwise its going back on the shelf for me like DE it DE did DE for DE all DE of DE legion.

Edit: honestly my worst fear is that as evidenced by this expansion if dest/demo simply come out of bfa and in to shadowlands as dead specs because of the borrowed power azerite systems being removed with no significant design changes they will just adjust numbers repeatedly until the spec is competitive and call it a day regardless if the spec is fun to play. I really don’t want to go through 2 expansions in a row where they only do that.

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Funny thing is, imagine if they’d actually go ahead and make every spell instant cast as demo. Shadowbolt, HoG, all instant. Would drastically improve gameplay, and the numbers can always be tuned.

God I wish this were the state of demo…

in what universe is having curses back a bad thing LOL

We’ll be lvl 60 and we’ll be using corruption on top of all the spec specific spells. Also no more war/titanforging, loot will be much more rare and tier sets are coming back. Lol classic doing well apparently.

I’m pretty excited for affliction in SL after watching the video from Kalamazi. Malefic rapture seems like exactly what affliction needs.

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As demo or destro. Why would you use corruption a 1.7 sec casting spell that doesn’t give you anything. When you can just cast a 1.7 secs shadow bolt that gives you soul shards…

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I’m starting to think the only reason we have corruption back is for early leveling (1-w/e) just to have something extra to press. The spell wouldn’t have any practical use at higher level gameplay and personally I hope it doesn’t. I’d rather focus on my Destruction spells over a spell, that over the years, has been an Affliction/sub level 10 staple.

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Thing is we tried not to be miserable during BFA alpha and look what it got us, destro’s baseline kit is super boring and it has no flavor, affliction was a clunky mess throughout BFA and demo is fine only with azerite traits. This is the time to complain so yes I will be bloody miserable.

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