Shadowlands Typo & Grammatical Error Megathread

The description for the Blood Death Knight Talent, “Relish in Blood,” is missing punctuation at the end. Additionally, it appears as though there’s an extra space between “gain” and “10,” but I’m not certain.

Date: 12/5/2020

Quest: For Queen and Grove!

Description: The flavor text when interacting with Attendant Sparkledew has a typo.

Actual: “May I be assistance?”
Expected: "May I be of assistance?”

Date: 12/5/2020

Quest: The forest Will Sing Your Name

Description: The intro text has an unexpected line-break.

Actual: “Each deed that you do is a seed of [normal line-break] strength, [hard line-break] which will blossom…”

Expected: “Each deed that you do is a seed of [normal line-break] strength, which will blossom…” (followed by any other normal line-breaks, needed)

Edit: I realize this is probably trying to convey poetic form…but it just looks broken in the limited width of the quest text frame.

I’m unsure if this has been mentioned; sorry if it has!
But currently, this bug is live: when you’re apart of the necrolord covenant, go into the seat of the primus, speak to baroness draka, she has an error where she says in the second line “I’m sure with you help, we will be victorious”
at least im pretty sure that should be your unless draka just doesnt care lol, thank you!

There is a typo in the Castle Nathria journal under the healer section of Artificer. Wormhole is spelled Womrhole.

Quest: Soul Led Astray
NPC: Thenios
Location: The Eternal Forge(?), Bastion
Typo: “Take it to my soul mirror, view the memories within.”
Fix: “Take it to my soul mirror and view the memories within.” or “Take it to my soul mirror. View the memories within.” or even “Take it to my soul mirror; view the memories within.”
(The comma between “mirror” and “view” should either be an “and”, a period, or a semicolon.)

Zone: Revendreth
Quest: Ritual of Judgment
Speaker: Inquisitor Traian
Quote: “As you for you, Accuser…”
Should be: “As for you, Accuser…”

Zone: Ardenweald
Quest: Taking Inventory (Night Fae Covenant Chapter 4 quest)
Issue: When hovering over the Wild Seed for Tharon’ja, the tooltip says “Jaron’tha”.

Battle-Bound Warhound

Drop: Theatre of Pain
Zone: Maldraxxus

While not necessarily a typo as Theatre and Theater are both accepted spellings of the word, ‘TheatRE of Pain’ does not exist in game whereas 'TheatER of Pain" does.

The quest “Neither Enemy nor Ally” casts an effect on the player called “The Countess”, which has a tooltip that reads “The Countess will now deem to consider your RSVP requests.” This is an error in word choice, as I believe the writer meant “deign”, which is to do something beneath ones dignity.

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Quest: Ritual of Judgement
Location: Revendreth
towards the end of the quest dialogue
Inquisitor Traian says: As you for you, Accuser…
Should be " As for you, Accuser…"

NPC: Caretaker Kah-Toll

After inquiring how the Vault works, first paragraph:

While we maintain Oribos. The workings of the Purpose are divine and opaque to us.

The first period should be changed to a comma and the following “the” should be made lower-case.

The base items for crafting shadowghast armor shows ilvl 175 instead of the correct ilvl 190.

Date: 12/9/2020

Quest: On the Trail

Description: Shandris Feathermoon’s second chat window has a grammar mistake.

Actual: “It looks like there are a trail of corpses.”

Expected: "It looks like there is a trail of corpses.”

Reason: “are” is the verb for “a trail”, which is singular. The phrase “of corpses” is a preposition and does not make the verb plural.

Date: 12/9/2020

Quest: Winter Be Comin’

Description: When Mueh’zala speaks, his text deviates from his voice.

Actual: “Makin’ deals instead of takin’ what be yours.”

Expected: “Makin’ deals instead of takin’ what be ours.”

Reason: The voice says “ours”, but the text reads, “yours”.

Edit: Alternatively…the voice actor could re-record…but I figure that’s unreasonable at this point.

NPC: Kythekios
Location: Torghast, The Maw
Quest: Champion: Kythekios
Typo: (in tooltip for champion) “…in rapid succession, dealing 11 Holy damage them and empowering himself to deal 4% additional damage.”
Fix: “…in rapid succession, dealing 11 Holy damage to them and empowering himself to deal 4% additional damage.”
(There should be a “to” between “damage” and “them”.)

When viewing Shadowlands Inscription, the ability “Mass Mill Deathblossom” (trained at Shadowlands Inscription level 30) should be “Mass Mill Death Blossom” - Putting a space and having Death Blossom as two words would match the consistency of the herb’s name in other areas.

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NPC: Miniscule Ash Crawler.

The spelling “miniscule” is widely regarded as erroneous (ever the spell check during this post is flagging it as incorrect). The proper spelling is “minuscule.”

This variant dates to the end of the 19th century, and it now occurs commonly in published writing, but it continues to be widely regarded as an error.

Adventure Guide > Dungeons > Halls of Atonement > High Adjudicator Aleez

  • Bolt of Power says “…to the Aleez’s current target”. The word “the” should be removed.
  • Spectral Procession says “The Priestess summons…” but it’s unclear who this “priestess” is. Presumably that means Aleez but the word “priestess” is not used anywhere else in the entry. It should just say “Aleez summons…”

Adventure Guide > Dungeons > Halls of Atonement > Lord Chamberlain, several typos:

  • Telekinetic Onslaught has a rogue double-quote mark at the end of the text.
  • Ritual of Woe says “a Sinstone Statues” but that should be “a Sinstone Statue”.
  • Ritual of Woe appears to have extra blank lines at the end of its description.

More Adventure Guide dungeon stuff:


Kryxis the Voracious

  • Overview contains the typo “furhter” (should be “further”).
  • The “Tank” section is missing a space between the word “consumes” and the link for [Living Essences].
  • Living Essence contains “touches the them”. Should be “touches them”.

Executor Tarvold

  • Description has an extra space between the words “and” and “allowed”.
  • Fleeting Manifestation contains the typo “ertupts” (should be “erupts”).

Grand Proctor Beryllia

  • Endless Torment says “causing her to release waves pain”. Should be “waves of pain”.

General Kaal

  • Piercing Blur capitalizes the word “Inflicting” in the middle of a sentence.



  • The “Fetid Gas” ability is flagged as Mythic-only but appears when viewing the entry in Normal and Heroic.

Surgeon Stitchflesh

  • “Morbid Fixation” is Mythic only but appears in Normal and Heroic views.


An Affront of Challengers

  • The encounter description says “Paceran the Virulant” (should be “Virulent”).


  • Kul’tharok’s description uses the pronoun “his” but in the Tank section, the second entry uses the pronoun “her”. The Spectral Reach ability itself also uses “her”. This is 2020 and Kul’tharok can use whatever pronouns they like, but they should be consistent. :wink: