Shadowlands: The Chains of Domination Content Update is Now Live!

That’s not the point, point is it isn’t MY MONEY being given to them. I don’t care that they’re making money it just isn’t coming from me lol.

Youre participating in the movement of currency. Your demand for the token pushes for supply of the token. You’re not paying rl money for it but still participating in the company acquiring the money and benefitting, just in a round about way! (Sorry, I dont mean to burst your bubble or anything. Also, pally pun is highly unintentional lol).
Its okay to work in constructive ways to help things improve and open up conversations about it. While the company makes the game, its the players who can help create the community.

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Like I said I couldn’t care less if they’re making money I’m just not giving them any more of mine lol.

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Looking to return back to WoW eventually once I see improvements happen…

1.Patiently waiting for High Elf Paladins for Alliance Blizzard…
2. Revert Warmode and bring back World Defense alerts & pvp servers we originally selected.
3. Add a Lead Pvp devoloper.
4. Redo Emo Void Elfs to be what we all wanted which was surprise High Elfs.

I subbed to try TBC Classic and it didn’t grab my attention for long… Shadowlands system Covenants was a let down and honestly a reason I don’t want to play at all…

I get onto World of warcraft for 3 reasons when I play.

  1. Leveling my main toon.
  2. Gearing up with Player vs Player.
  3. Wpvp.

With Shadowlands you brought back vendors 10/10 step in the right direction. However I want Pvp servers and Wpvp back to the way it was before Legion. Also the Art and Music team did a great job as well throughout the zones…

Once I see Highelf Paladins become a feature I want published than I’ll show my respect as a customer and come back to race change just to play around with transmog so I can pvp in style. Other wise there are just better games to pvp in atm.

Oh? Please share the wisdom but don’t say league

Guess it depends on the types of games you like. I always thought Destiny’s pvp was a blast and I’ll be all over Battlefield 2042 when it drops.

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Oh i remember destiny being really big when that launched, is it still active? I’ve never tried it :open_mouth:

Destiny 2 is still going, yeah. I always liked the PvP and it’s pretty hilarious listening to Shaxx yell at you while killing people lol.

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Your Ad Hominem attack that anyone questioning why someone who hates a game would bother spending time or money on it must be a “Shill” shows that you’re really just here to stir up drama. That’s kinda sad.


PvE season 2 begins on July 6th, and then the first week of 9.1 we will go with Prideful after the patch? It’s weird.

Why not post about how you expect people to waste hundreds of thousands of gold to recraft legendaries again? Real meaningful choice huh. Complete garbage.

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The patch file size is enormous. It must be giving us dozens of news zones with this size. Can’t wait.

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Is no one seriously talking about how they intentionally are making us recraft our legendaries to get the socketed version?

Everyone just giving a Blizz a pat on the back for making your hard earned work be worth nothing on June 29.

But we got a date.


I can’t in good conscience continue to give this company money. I value what little time I have to actually enjoy what the game has to offer and realistically, the developers and the decision makers are flat out not respecting that.

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Nope one zone connected to the maw mor campaign quests , invasions , a raid , a mega dungeon , flying , dailies oh and mounting in the maw . As well as a few other things.

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Because you don’t.

FUnny thing is when I took a look at what I could make into my legendary , looked at recommended and what I would probably keep longer .

I went with keep longer and put it on a ring . Now if I decide to upgrade the legendary it will cost me , but if I don’t I’m already set .

Geeeeeee lot faster than I expected. was about to have some few month break but no way, just paid for 6 month lol. It is the time to get busy again !!! my all 8 characters are fully prepared for Renown 44 now :smiley:
Thank you Blizzard !!

So why is it that we have to possibly remake our legendaries to be optimal for our spec. It is insane that now I will have to farm for a month in order to make sure I am ready for the Shards of Dominations system. If you want to know why people prefer things like TBC, Classic, and FF14 you need to really take the time to revaluate how your development choices effect your player base.

So 9.1 on the 29th is basically a paper launch. gg

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