Yay a date! Excited for flying, my covenant pepes (would love if they could get their own whistle though like how the DH pepe “a tiny set of warglaives” whistle is separate from the ordinary pepe whistle), flying blanchy (she will become my primary mount now xD), new covenant mogs and all the new pets
even unlisting the video couldnt save it from the ratio, incredible
I read blah, blah, Raid, city in maw, Mythic, more Torghast for cosmetics, Mythic, assaults twice a week, Mythic, mythic, mythic, myth… yawn, okay. …Yeehaw supposedly
Hahaha yeah, unfortunately it seems SL is just not for me except to pass the time since I still do enjoy the world. Mostly been in old content
Kinda irked Ion is doing it this way, 10.0 seems it’ll be even more uninteresting for me if it goes this way. Still interested to see that ‘reveal’ next year. I’ve written off 9.1 and 9.2
So, uh, you guys have any PVP alt gearing updates?
PVE players can have gear traded to them. PVP players need to win 10s of times for each piece.
I’m super excited about 9.1, but if Shadowlands ends and there isn’t a single murloc or furbolg or fungarian raid boss I’m going to be super disappointed. The Shadowlands is where ALL the dead go - why haven’t I seen Hogger yet? I want to take Goldtooth’s candle again.
I really hope there is enough content. That’s what I’m most worried about. We’ve been so starved for content that I just dont think this will be enough to satisfy most of the player base. Some of it looks really fun and it’s always nice to see new zones but I think players like myself will be bored of it after a couple weeks and that is never a good sign. I hope this is a short patch and 9.2 has much more content.
Not looking forward to Korthia. The return of the Legion Invasions, god-forsaken oodles of currencies, and of course the Domination Azerite Armor 2.0 exclusively locked into the raid version of Torghast.
No profession recipes.
Pointless plot.
Timed Torghast.
I just can’t be excited for, what seems to be, a giant attunement quest for Icecrown 2.0, minus the cool things you could actually get IN Icecrown.
I am SO using my trp3 addon to name my corpsefly mounts after members of GWAR!
As I promised with my guild, 9.1 is where I stop. As expected, contents is still bad. Main issues is still around.
Sooo it’s coming out earlier than most of us expected, but are you sure you guys don’t want to look at specs, covenant abilities and existing legendaries (quite a few are just sitting on the shelf FYI) just 1 more time before you send this thing live?
Honestly not liking what is in this patch. Do not care about the various reasons for expanding maw or taking away important Lore parts relative to my friends… To me, Horde just loses completely a Major lore figure. Like my friends who left in BFA and who have not come back(entire friends/family small-town local guild). I will wait and see how the next expansions pan out before I might return. It is not unusual for me to leave for years and come back then gone again. Wow is just another game and for that, I honestly feel my opinion does not matter. The stick in the mud is my friend’s care and running them off kind of defeats any purpose of me staying and playing games.
Friends who passionate about games and hang out in discord with me as they push themself in games. Makes it fun for me. Between contrasting lore and destructions, killing off horde personality and PVP broken. That had almost all my friends to leave. Just 2 are left and they have not renewed subs. Defeats the purpose for me to play for now.
I will still say it way more fun when someone cc and instantly broke once damage done and immune to the end of that combat system was more fun. Too bad that game did a 180 and went Raid style and in the end killed itself.
Just my opinion. I am not loyal to company or game. Friends come first for me. That includes my kids are who also my friends. As well as my high school friend who sticks with me over the last 40+ years. The ones who used to talk about the game openly and now do not even speak of it. Just to lose so many customers to make what appears one type of preferred customer happy seems a loss to me.
To those who lost known. i say congrats to you. Mine have left. I hope yours stay with you.
Thank you for the date, AND that IMAGE, it is awesome enough to be my new desktop back ground for foreseeable future.
Great. Hopefully some fixes regarding PVP and PVE imbalance will be implemented as well.
Because I can and I still care about the future of the game?. If we’re pullin those cards if you like the game so much why are you on the forums where it’s mostly negativity about the game?. I care about WoW doesn’t mean I’m gonna sit here and shill for everything they do when it’s clear they’re very out of touch lol, 9.1 isn’t bringing anything different it’s just a bunch more systems and more lies. And as a fan of pvp I’m not what so ever interested in the pvp changes and the little class balance they’re doing for this so called content patch.
there’s a large difference between being a shill/stan and flat out hate-posting non-stop. I am not a blizzard shill at all, I have massive problems with the story direction and systems they’ve put in place. When I haven’t enjoyed the game I’ve un-subbed.
Many, many people on this forum clearly, flat-out HATE WoW in it’s current form. Given that it makes no sense to not just walk away. If you stay active and stay subbed Blizzard doesn’t care if you hate everything about the game, they have your money so that’s all that counts.
I haven’t paid for a sub in years lol they aren’t getting any money from me. You people forget WoW tokens exist ?. Haven’t logged in months got about 5 days left ? with the sub time I got from tokens. You can continue to shill and I’ll continue trashing this current idiotic dev team!.
You seem to forget that you are spending gold on a $20 token, so they actually get more money from the token, than if you just spent $15 for a monthly sub. granted, not your money, but still.