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Why does Arthas (I assume that is Arthas) look like an emo 14 year old?

I’m quite certain that is Anduin. Of course the encounter between the Jailer and the Primus implies that the Runeblade controlling him is possessed by Arthas who apparently was once under the control of the Primus at some point but became free and using the power of Domination against the Primus!

The fact that Ner’zhul is a servant of Zovaal who was angered at him being usurped by Arthas says a lot about how the Primus hijacked the Fallen Prince: Frostmourne was being controlled by the Primus while the Helm of Domination was controlled by the Jailer…

Now what did the Primus do with Arthas’s Body? Turn Sylvanas into the Banshee Queen? That would give her reason to side with the Jailer despite him being behind Ner’zhul!

She would be blissfully unaware that the Primus and the half of Arthas’s Soul still in his Body were using every opportunity of negotiation despite the Jailer & Denathrius’s plan for Quel’Thalas and blame the Primus for everything that happened instead of the Jailer and herself!

Ner’zhul wanted Kel’Thuzad resurrected and the Primus humored him while secretly preparing to have him usurped not anticipating that the Jailer was pulling the strings!

Once Ner’zhul was gone the Jailer promptly hijacked Arthas directly and had to work in tandem with Arthas’s mind since he could not directly control him like he & Arthas could Anduin!

Arthas the Lich King was pretty much Zovaal working with Arthas’s morals(just like Terra-Xehanort from KH is just Xehanort inside Terra’s Body using Terra’s mannerisms despite Terra being stuck in the Guardian) while Arthas the Death Knight was basically Arthas being pushed by the Primus and the last fragment of his Soul.

Sylvanas is ignorant of who was pulling the strings and thought whoever controlled Frostmourne pulled the strings not whoever controlled the Helm of Domination!

That’s Anduin! HaHa well that explains the emo 14 year old :slight_smile: :sweat_smile:

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