Greetings Champions.
Shadowlands Season 4 will be closing the week of October 25. Here’s what you can expect:
Shadowlands Season 4: PvP
- The current season of Shadowlands PvP content will end at 10:00 p.m. the night before maintenance begins in each region. This is 10:00 p.m. PDT for North American realms and 22:00 CEST for European realms.
- With the season’s end, it will no longer be possible to earn PvP seasonal rewards, titles, or Shadowlands Season 4 rankings.
Shadowlands Season 4: Mythic+
- The current season of Mythic+ content will end at 10:00 p.m. the night before maintenance begins in each region. This is 10:00 p.m. PDT for North American realms and 22:00 CEST for European realms. With the season’s end, ratings that qualify for the 0.1% “Shrouded Hero: Shadowlands Season 4” achievement will be recorded.
- The title “the Shrouded Hero” will be rewarded during the following weeks after the season ends, so be sure to wait if changing factions until after you have received the title.
Best of luck battling to a glorious finish of the season!
Can we expect daily/weekly updates to the score cutoffs for M+ title?
And the leaks were right once more. Pre-patch coming October 25th.
I could be wrong, but I remember reading that all 3 raids will be active and fated all the time once pre-patch starts
Nice to have the quasi-confirmation of when pre-patch is gonna be. Hopefully we learn what is in the pre-patch soon. It’s getting down to the wire.
Please return the Valor BoA box. I’m sitting with almost 15k Valor with no use. I could use that valor to level up a bit my alt army for DF leveling 
What we know for sure:
What Ion said in an interview:
- Pre-patch event starts and lasts 2 weeks before Dragonflight launches
- It will feature the newly revamped Uldaman dungeon
- Dracthyr/Evokers will become available when the event starts
What we can speculate from datamining:
- Elemental invasion type pre-patch event
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Yeah we know those things but what do we get in Uldaman? What is our reason for going back there?
And I heard the elemental invasion isn’t happening until DF itself. So definitely need more information.
Does this mean prepatch is also 10/25 or the following week?
I wonder if this will affect the requirement to have Shadowlands to pre-order Dragonflight? I was about 3 days late on the free gift on resubbing, so I can’t justify buying SL just so I can pre-order DF.
It starts that day. The events such as evoker and uldaman will almost assuredly not happen then.
So this 5 weeks of prepatch (only 1 week longer than shortest duration of prepatch prior). And they’ve stated that events will last 2 weeks. Likely weeks 4 and 5.
So you can enjoy 3 weeks of changes for talents and all raids being forced fated.
I can’t imagine only having 2 weeks with the new evokers before DF launch, but who knows – not saying you’re wrong.
It wouldn’t be much different from demon hunters being available on the 4th (out of 6) week of legion prepatch.
Blizz always wants their lulls of relatively nothing happening in prepatch so they can sort post patch issues before turning on the actual substance events.
can we have some clarification on the availability of slime cat / KSM mount / portals with the end of s4? Asking because I have some returning friends who are still working on these things.
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Wait for pre patch to find out? 
Ugh, probably will be the case. I at least hope for some patch notes, haha.
I legit cant wait for those new talent trees. Please hurry!
There is a website that already tracks cut off just check that