SHADOWLANDS: Ret needs some love

I think that night fae ability drops when you hit something in melee right now.

I’m also not in the Alpha, but I think that’s right. I believe you can cast in it for some reason, so it’s better for Holy, but it wouldn’t be quite as suited for Ret. Venthyr is likely better in that regard.

Of course, of all the Covenant class spells the one I’m most excited for is the Kyrian AoE Holy Shock/Judgment/Avenger’s Shield spell. So that complicates the decision to go Night Fae or Venthyr to alleviate mobility concerns. We’ll just have to see if they use some of their other systems to compensate for not having a mobility Covenant Signature.

As someone who doesn’t currently play Ret at a high level, but will likely main a Holy Paladin in SL, I think my main concern with Ret is going to end up being how important the burst window with Wings is. Relying too much on that window just won’t feel great, I think.

I just hope we aren’t on the bottom of the meters like bfa.


Consecration is gonna be super useful in pvp.

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I’m not saying we should be useless outside of wings, but Avenging Wrath should absolutely be a monsterous burst. And if that means we have to sacrifice consistent damage for that burst, then do so.

I agree Crusader Strike should hit harder. It’s damage is not noticable. But I think this is because our damage is almost completely Templar’s Verdict/Divine Storm. And those two hits should be huge hits. And, like with wings, if getting those to hit so hard costs us damage elsewhere, then do so.

However, personally I’d rather all of our abilities hit harder, but our Holy Power generation go down. Like in Cata.

Also, no. Do not take away our Hammer of Wrath. More buttons is always better than less. I fought hard to get Hammer of Wrath back after the infamous Legion pruning. I really don’t want to lose it again.

Hammer of Wrath should hit harder though. Significantly. It’s an execute. It should hit like one.

Yes our mobility needs to be looked at. PoJ or LAotL should be brought back. Or we should get Turalyon’s Might or Falling Sword.

And no, Divine Steed is awful and just needs to be deleted for all eternity. Please. Aesthetically, conceptually, and mechanically it’s awful.

Okay this one I can support.

I actually like how Retribution Aura functions, it is an awesome effect and should be baked into Ret. But it should not be an Aura. Ret Aura should just be a Classic Eye for an Eye effect, or a Thorns effect.

However, the Retribution effect could be tied into to all of our Auras. Like, “When an ally within your Aura dies…” or something.

SotR is actually really cool to be being given to Ret. However, it needs to be a flat damage reduction, not just Armor.

I completely support SotR if it is done properly. It’ll be pretty useless if it is just Armor. However, as a flat damage reduction, it will have a lot of uses and play a huge role for our spec. And might even address Ret’s survival issue.

Literally nothing wrong with being given a free ability. Plus this will be an AoE attack, not a cleave attack like Divine Storm will be. We will need this, definitely.

Plus, having a free AoE attack that doesn’t require Holy Power or a target has utility value.

This is only an issue if you talent into clunkiness. For example, running both Inquisition and Seraphim.

Otherwise, this isn’t at all an issue, if you run proc talents, like Blade of Wrath and Divine Purpose.

Furthermore, Haste helps solve this, too. Or maybe Blizz could just remove Crusader Strike’s CD. That would help.


honestly my favorite thing for ret is calling out my wogs. with wog being gutted i think my new thing is gonna have a 1h shield weapon swap macro so i can ret tank if the tank dies. maybe bubble taunt won’t be required for ret to tank?

would be nice if they unpruned righteous fury actually to have more fun playing around with shield of the righteous. it would be niche for sure but nice flavor and another thing ret can do besides just pump numbers.


Not even possible in Mythic plus due to no gear swapping…meh.
We get spells back that cannot even be used in every kind of content. Same with Healing Hands…LoH doesn‘t work in arena.


No thanks. Clearly our burst doesn’t get us in raids or pvp if you look at how we are represented.


We will be balanced around 100% uptime of consecration. Which will never practically happen.

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Our burst gets us into pvp wdym.


Ret has some pretty viable comps my man.

It should be an “aura” on the ground where we walk. It goes out like 15yds, and lasts for 2 seconds, and is applied every one second, leaving a little trail during movement.

That was Divine Hammer. I actually loved that ability.

Consecration. If the tank is chain pulling, and not standing still, it isn’t going to do jack. Now if the tank is standing there ground, then drop it. Getting 100% uptime on it is just unrealistic

Yet that’s a problem for any ground based ability, and has been for as long as they’ve existed. It doesn’t discount it as an ability though. The rate that it ticks, and for how much it ticks should be discussed.

I think Auras need a discussion. Especially the crap storm they’re making out of Retribution Aura. As a passive it was meh, as something to toggle to, its hot garbage.

Word of Glory. For Protection and Holy for what it does is fine. For Ret it needs to do more to justify the cost. Otherwise why would I use this over Selfless Healer? The ability to help a healer in a dungeon during a damage spike and prevent a wipe felt good, and fun. Especially if it managed to crit. Reducing it to one target it just becomes an expensive heal at the cost of DPS.

Being gear locked in Mythic+ makes SotR even worse on paper. What other class is gear locked from using a defensive? Also add in the GCDs it’s just better to bubble taunt and hope someone can brez the tank before DS falls off.

Holy Hands also is an issue that needs addressed as that is a talent as it is unusable in PvP.

While on the subject of defensives make it so that Justicar’s Vengance does a base amount of healing regardless of the damage done. That would shore up the talent immensely.

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I’d rather see justicar’s vengeance have its holy power requirement dropped to 3


There are also exceptional players but what % of melee dps in pvp is ret? How do we rank?

Immolation aura or rushing jade wind is what I would turn it into or just don’t give it to ret paladin

Immolation aura was what I thought of a few hours after that post. Just lower the animation to our feet, and make it a bit more holy, and that spell is now awesome (as long as it’s not a channel, lol).

If I had to trade Divine Hammer.

So I have played ret since BC, and here’s the few things that I’ve noticed over the years that I think should be fixed. Not that I’m the end all of answers by no means.

  1. Bring back Exorcism, make it ranged more than it was, I think it was something like 9 yards initially, and make it a medium damage ability, you could even have it talented to replace BoJ if you prefer. I personally don’t like BoJ, the damage is fine, but I’m old school…lol

  2. As mentioned in many places bring back the auras, but make them WORTH something. I like devo for prot (and even ret when dealing with multiple mobs) and ret aura for more than a nominal amount of holy damage as it was in the old days. I wouldn’t mind a speed aura that would increase speed by “X” and you still keep your divine speed, so you would get the double increase for a second, kind of like how they gave the speed increase to hunters.

  3. Bring back seals (up for discussion), I just took a quick glance at Seal of Command (SoC) and Seal of Blood, and both of those seem more realistic to a retribution style of play. “You might take my health, but it’s going to cost you dearly”. I appreciate SoC because it would give a chance to deal additional Holy damage equal to 70% of normal weapon damage. I would change this to make it a little higher than “a chance”. It also did holy damage upon unleashing it, I think this is great.

  4. Give us back HoW and also make it a static spell. It’s a super great ranged spell and I wouldn’t even mind if it stayed the same where increased damage to targets lower than 20% hp and can only be used then. It was a great tool at the end of the fight.

  5. For the love of the light and all things holy…make CS deal more damage! I mean, every other melee class that has a general spell to build up “whatever” it does more damage than their weapon damage.

  6. Although it is slightly frustrating to watch, I really appreciate how they worked Inq. 7% haste/damage increase. Keep this and have it part of the rotation.

  7. As ALSO mentioned elsewhere, give us back BoM (blessing of might) as I miss our 5% increase to Strength. because we all know that kings and wisdom are worthless spells at this point.

  8. speaking of kings/wisdom retool those appropriately. I have no problems giving Wisdom to a healer in dungeons/raids, but I would like to have kings be more than it is. I mean, DK’s get a 5% to all stats with one of their rune empowerments. Make Kings the same way: 2 hour 5% increase to all stats and I think that would make us more viable.

Since the DK is a hero class, I don’t expect to match them in overall dps, but I would hope to get a little closer than we are.

Those are my thoughts concerning our class. Definitely open to scrutiny as I realize some or all if implemented would put us in a possible state of god mode.


1: Blade of Justice functionally IS exorcism. Just physical damage instead of Holy.

2: Divine Steed is trash, what we need is Long Arm of the Law and Pursuit of Justice to come back.

3: No arguments here, I would love to see seals come back. Particularly truth and justice.

4: They are giving us HOW baseline.

5: Agree, but after a certain point that damage has to be taken from somewhere.

6: ideally, I feel like Inquisition should be a baseline for Ret. I am super excited to be able to take inquisition and divine purpose now.

7: The reason Might doesn’t exist in the same context as Kings and Wisdom is because it created a situation in which serious guilds didn’t let rest use might for themselves, instead forcing them to give it to top dps. I think the solution for Kings Wisdom and Might is for paladins of all specs to have all 3, and to also have it case I need themselves when they share it with others. Kinda like how the unbound freedom pvp talent works.

8: uhhhh I don’t think any DK ever uses the 5% stats rune. Maybe for progression raiding for tanks, but every DK uses Fallen Crusader.