Shadowlands requirements

So I’m just below all of the system requirements for Shadowlands, will I need to upgrade or can I ride this out?

Being below the requirements just means they don’t offer official support from their tech crew for issues you may encounter. It also means that there is no guarantee the game will keep running properly after any hotfix or patch. But if you can make it run with some optimizations that you research and apply on your own, that’s totally fine. Plus, some forum members might be able to help you since there are a lot of tech enthusiasts here.

Actually this is not entirely true. Some people are being locked out all of a sudden, and are getting an error: “Your 3D accelerator card is not supported by World of Warcraft”. See this topic: [Oct 13] Main Thread - Shadowlands Pre-Patch: 3D Accelerator Card Not Supported

How far below the requirement you are does matter. OP said “just below,” so unless they report back about it being an issue my guess is that it won’t be one.

Also, every DxDiag provided in that thread displays much, much older hardware. Most of the systems don’t have standalone video cards and rely on the CPU’s integrated graphics only, which won’t work for this expansion.

The staff tried to recreate the error to investigate but they were unsuccessful.

Like for instance it says you need at 760 and I have a 750. So like, just below.

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You have GTX750/750ti and can’t play WoW?
Cus I was thinking about buying one since my current 3d acelerator can’t run SL.

I have a GTX750Ti and it runs just fine, no issues.

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Just wanted to make sure I can run it before I spend money on it lol thank you!

What processor are you running with that card? That could prevent you from playing. Anything below the min specs, including your GPU may load the game now, but could stop being able to at any time due to hotfixes/patches. They only focus on optimizing for the min specs to load and play.

i5 2320 3ghz