Shadowlands Preview: Maldraxxus and the Necrolord Covenant

hmm no but, what are the chances of getting a tail to sweep enemies off their feet? :thinking:

Looks cool, though its basically a reskin of Undead themed areas

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Who is Raxxus and why are they Mald?

Really not impressed. Why is dancing rune a 4 second duration now? i thought it use to be 20 seconds. i was thinking about coming back to retail but the class(dk) i want to use is so alien compared to legion. bring back legion deathknights!!!

The cloth set for these guys looks like a night elf wardenguard cloth set. It’s poopy and needs fixed up.

What are the dps/tanking/healing bonuses for this?

Def using my 'Lock here. Perhaps also my DK and DH.

Looks like a generic version of Icecown meets Eastern Plaguelands :man_shrugging:

more like further Diablozing of WoW most of those creatures are stuff you found in D2/D3


Trifling adventurers!


So…Lich King 2.0?

I love this zone! Mostly bc I am a DK main , and I love all this death-themed stuff

well for use rogues if your not with these people your doing it wrong . Unless things change and change big every rogue will be in maldraxus.