Shadowlands Preview: Character Customization

the highborne that joined with the night elves and became mainly the night elf mages literally had few differences from the general night elf population. the only real difference i could see for highborne and night elf would be hair styles, clothes and jewelry. of those the clothes change as it is armor. and it sounds like we will be getting new jewelry and hairstyles. as far as the markings i hope we do get more options for facial markings as that would make sense

But can you update the female human run animation, so they don’t slouch as they run?


there is a lore reason for high/blood elves to still have glowing eyes they were all once highborne you know night elf royalty? they just went more arcane than nature. Even Alleria Windrunner has blue glowing eyes prior to becoming a void elf. Vereesa’s model in Dalaran prior to Rhonin dying may have not been properly coded to reflect that.

that eye texture is used by all of the female high elf NPCs, not just vereesa. idk, i just wish they’d repurpose it for players, even if they gave it a soft glow it’d be nicer than the blue headlights we’ve been given

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odd every picture i see of Alleria Windrunner shows her with glowing blue eyes. i do agree i would like to see the glow of the eyes to be softened a bit even on night elves

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I would love eye colour options for Draenei!

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Isn’t it about time to do a database character-name purge?

If I have to choose more than a few times, something is wrong with the naming system. People that haven’t played for years shouldn’t be tying up names.

My two cents.

I believe that any account that has been inactive for 2 expansions has their names freed up automatically.

it’s character level that the names are cleared… they change the name to something similar for the first part then numbers and other characters for the rest

It would be nice if Taurens got additional customization changes also. Love my moo, but am so tired of the same 5 faces and 3 horn colors

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I did not read all the posts but here is something I’m interested in customization.
How about each race that is allowed Druids have their own RACIAL druid forms. I understand the newer races have them now. But what about all the older races.
I mean, Tauran cats and bears with horns? … wtf is up with that … I mean how hard would it be to give each race who can be Druids their own racial forms?

Just my two-knuts worth … take it how you will …


yeah alleria has the glowing blue eyes! which proves that diversity already existed among the high elf NPCs’ eyes, idk why it can’t exist for players :pleading_face:

Doesn’t look like there are tails for worgen, but there is a light grey color. Not sure if that is new or not as I don’t play a worgen. It isn’t white, but it is very light.

what i was saying was that from what i understand of lore previous to WoW is that all high elves had glowing blue eyes as it was part of their racial appearance. it’s like night elves having mainly glowing white/silver eyes except for those “chosen to do great things” in which their eyes would glow yellow/gold. which of course Blizzard screwed up by first making all male night elf eyes yellow/gold. now you can choose which makes a bit of sense.
i agree though more customization is always great

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no, it’s a Blood Elf, not a troll. jeez…pay attention…

These customization options are what all the hype was about? Are you kidding me? What a serious let down.

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They could do a whole new set of these with every expansion, tbh. My characters look so much better now.

It’s amazing to me that Blizzard didn’t do more of this sort of thing years ago.


I agree, the customization offered by other AAA titles makes these changes seem pathetic. So much hype for so much meh.

Knowing what I know now about modding Skyrim and textures and skeletons and hitboxes, it seems absurd to me that Blizzard is offering so little. Racial skeletons haven’t changed a bit and some different colours, hairstyles and jewelry seem trivial to me.

Mag’har orcs can look like this now, minus the tattoos. They just need to separate the tattoos from skin color for Mag’hars and make them mix-n-match-able.