Shadowlands Preview: Ardenweald and the Night Fae Covenant

You guys keep up the good work. I’m massively hyped for this expac

The plate set is pretty unique; your death knight is more than welcome among the Night Fae. :slight_smile:


Sylvar look cool, and since Mechagnomes have shown that a playable race do not need boots, or gloves…or pants, Playable Sylvar when?

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The colors are beautiful, the theme seems perfect for my toon’s character development.

So far, Ardenweald is looking like the winner. So far.

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That’s not trampling. That’s a good thing.

If Tyrande finally dies, maybe one of the interesting night elf characters could actually have the spotlight for once.

I Hate Tyrande as a leader, Now she went all Hot Topic only to take the spotlight from every other Night Elf and get 1v1’d by a corpse with a bow.

Please Kill her Blizzard. The Night Elves will be better off.


I just want Rezan back, y’all did him so dirty in BFA


Hey Visaerys,

The images used were made specifically for the resolution they were published in. However–if you haven’t seen these images yet–you may be interested in the 4k images we shared of each zone.

We’ll be sure to let everyone know on the forums or otherwise if we have more higher res images to share!

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Any mortal–shaman, death knight, or otherwise–who fought for nature and life would be welcome to spend their eternity in Ardenweald. Alternatively, not all druids and hunters will spend their afterlives in Ardenweald. There are many realms within the Shadowlands for which they could be better suited. It’s the characters’ choices in life that determine where they will go, not their class affiliation.


If it isn’t the best xpac at least it’ll be the most beautiful.


I still think the transmog sets are all awful from this covenant…
Plate is the only semi decent one.

Looks like leveling gear compared to all the other covenant transmog.

The zone and covenant ability spell effects themselves are all sooo beautiful though. WoW zones are always impressive to me, but Blizzard really out-does themselves every expansion.


Definitely beautiful, art team out did themselves again. That plate armor set is miiiiiine allll miiiiineeee… :ring: precioooous…

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The only Druids I can see not going to Ardenweald are the ones going to De Other Side.

The Botanists(like High Botanist Tel’arn and the Botani) aren’t Druids despite manipulating Plants on a regular basis as Druids aren’t about Plant Manipulation!

Druids either turn into Animals, Heal others through Nature or unleash the power of Celestial Bodies upon their enemies!

Since it’s clear that Botanists who protect Nature go to Ardenweald the ones who don’t probably have a different destination…


I cannot wait to send my Druid here :smiley:

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Hm - while I still think I will be going to Maldraxxus, mainly due to the armor, I will say this place seems very serene. The art dept. delivers - as always. The ONE issue I have is that leather set. They cannot be serious with that.


Been looking forward to seeing this place, can’t wait to play this place.

Yeah it’s actually awful. I don’t know who thought that was even O.K. to SUGGEST being a covenant armor set, looks like Cata leveling gear or at best the LFR version of a bad raid tier. Whoever O.K.'ed it - I have a problem with that person.


My nelf warrior is going to be Groot!

As has been mentioned a number of times, the plate set looks amazing. I think it’s a killer, organic aesthetic befitting of the covenant’s theme.

I know the art team tends to craft unique, set identities, but in this case, I think it would’ve been safe to extend the “barkskin” design elements out to all the armor types.


Is it me or does the Drust look like Groot? (I am GROOT)!

I love this so much I might cry. I hope your pic at the end excludes mail cause you’re still working on it. I appreciate that (if its the case) because it definitely looked unfinished from what I had seen.

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