Shadowlands Novel Preview

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Doesn’t seem so shabby.

No Night Elves in the book - no buy!

also Shadowlands book coming july 14


Sira is in it.

Sylvanas puppets obviously don’t count. I was hoping that the Kaldorei would be featured to get some continuation/closure to what happened to them in BfA. Sadly it seems like it will take a few expansions for them to be mentioned again if it will even happen at all.


Isn’t it written by somebody who mains Night Elf?

Think so, but it doesn’t mean that she will/is allowed to include them in her book. Especially when they aren’t even mentioned in the summary where major characters like Tyrande would appear you can safely say that they aren’t in the book.

They have literally already confirmed that Tyrande will be in Shadowlands and we will learn more about the nature of Elune.

You quote the wrong person

Anyway, my opinion of the story is meh, I doubt it will be as bad as say, BtS or Wolfheart, but it’s concept just does not interest me at all. Combination of the 4 main characters (Zekhan, talanji, Turalyon, Alleria) and overall plotline is just boring. Maybe it’s because Sylvanas is a boring villain, maybe it’s because Bwonsamedi is gonna be in a Dungeon in Shadowlands already, whatever the reason it’s not grabbing my interest plotwise or characterwise, the excerpts writing i dislike as well. Personally it’s a Pass.


The feel kinda reminds me of the Shattering, I dunno why. BtS did not interest me at all, nor did Illidan, but this one looks interesting. I may pick it up. Guess I’ll wait for more experts.

Sin’Dall is an interesting reference for Rokhan to make though. It’s a tiger in Stranglethorn you hunt for Nesingwary.

I’m only interested since it feeds my personal thought that the Darkspear were in Stranglethorn until relatively recently, like after the Dark Portal opened. they also knew of an ogre in Stranglethorn.

as long as they don’t change their plans or lie again like they did in 8.1…