Shadowlands non raid content is apparently a minigame for mythic raiders to abuse

Shut up Ralph… you’re drunk. Go home Ralph.



Ya know Ralph keeps spouting that mythic raiders don’t want to do anything but raid but sounds to me that the “casual” player base dont want to raid.


I don’t even agree with Ralph, but speaking for myself, I’d love to raid. I like to try and see how far I can get with what limited skills I have, however,

Knowing there’s simply a wall I can never pass because I can’t organize with 19 other people, or even don’t want to (smaller group content’s always been more my thing), is a little disappointing. I’d love to be challenged, but there simply isn’t challenging content available for me unless I’m able to make times for raids.

I work odd shifts, joining more than the occasional pug, or casual guild raid is well out of my ballpark. Is it that bad to be casual, but still want to push higher?

Raids are great, but do they really need to be the only top tier content in the game?


After they decided they wanted Torghast to be a currency dispenser to get legendary mats for the mandatory legendaries, they realized that it would have to be easy enough for everybody to do, or people who were gated out would quit.

It was originally planned to be more like horrific visions, back before horrific visions were released and turned out to be less than universally popular.

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Mythic raiders have been saying they’re sick of raids and prefer M+ for years now, but Blizzard is still stuck on raids = the top content.

It’s an old, archaic, outdated design philosophy.


I thought about it, then i realized maybe blizzard doesn’t have enough confidence in the raiding content to allow players an alternative. Its kind of a dying game that will never get its numbers back, so any group activity that still exists might be there only way of keeping people playing together.


Posting in a Ralph-Thread.

Have you been drinking again?


Ralph does AotC and some mythic raiding so…yeah. Legit these threads are just all about attention, that’s why they create new threads identical to old ones they’ve made.

Says it’s raid or die and that other content is worthless, yet doesn’t actually state the fact that mythic raiding has the most limited stat combinations (ie only 1 for 90% of gear slots) where as M+ and PvP both have at least 3 variations of stay options for every single gear slot.

Weekly cache and PvP are currently the only way players can get BiS, raiding is asking for a handful of poorly itemised items that are worse than something 10 ilvls lower :man_shrugging:
Most players mythic raiding will only use 3, 4 at most pieces in their BiS list and outside of potentially trinkets all of those with have a M+ or PvP option they could use instead.


In this thread man screams because he knows it will be harder for himself to buy the highest ilvl loot with WoW token gold

What a shame

5 mask wasn’t too bad, just had to stack haste. I did it with 450 gear first attempt but maybe its even easier now. The tower will be likely the same where average gear can get you through but maybe not as fast.

I mean they know mythic raiding and rated arenas would most likely instantly die the moment gear is removed form the equation

I will also not be as affected by the raid or die system of shadowlands cuz I got a decent guild to raid with, doesn’t mean I can’t see something is wrong.

Some people are blind to their privilege and systematic injustice, I am not one of them


One of the arguments that often bothers me slightly is ‘if this is introduced, then mythic raiders will feel obligated to do it’.

Now, i have nothing wrong with mythic raiders in any way. What really confuses me is how the entire community treats them like some kind of protected class that must never have to deal with the consequences of their own choice to participate in content. Wait, i know whats coming next… but its not a choice, they HAVE to do it.

But… they dont! They dont have to be world first and if they cant do whats necessary to get it, someone else will happily take their spot. The raid will carry on… just with the person who decided they were completely fine to hit the benchmarks as identified by their GM.

Like, why are they so protected? Why isnt the answer, so what?


Most people aren’t insane so we understand mythic raids = a lot of work = best gear


But… they CHOOSE to do that. The raids not going anywhere. They have like 3 months (eta: ~six months - i was thinking of the 77 cycle, but thats also including the .5 patches) to clear it. So what is it we’re protecting here when we have to design content around the ‘but mythic raiders will feel obligated to also do this!’ rejoinder?

We’re protecting the pace of their clear. Not their capability to clear it. But the speed of it. Does this not give you even a slight pause for thought?


It’s not a matter of confidence. If you offer players an easier way to gear for something, they’re going to take it. It doesn’t matter how good the content is. This is exactly what happened with M+: It was the more accessible route of gearing, so there were tiers within raids that went virtually untouched because there wasn’t any reason to do them beyond transmog farming for gear variants.

I can agree that perhaps the raiding system is a bit outdated, and maybe the endgame needs to be a bit more refined for modern standards, however, I’m not sure anyone really knows what that solution would be, and any solutions provided only crop up other issues. If a currency is introduced for varying difficulties, there’s no reason to play half of the game, and many people won’t. If content, such as world quests, begin offering mythic ilvl gear, it’s potentially creating a vacuum where that’s all people do.

I’ve said this before, but you don’t pick up a game and immediately expect to get the best gear in the game just because you play the game. I don’t play any Final Fantasy game with the intention of getting the ultima weapons for all my characters by playing to the end unless I do the content tied to those weapons. I don’t understand why WoW has to be any different in this regard.

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Is Ralph the same guy as that shaman from a while back who always used to talk in italics and claim everything was a slap in the face!?

The level and consistency of whine threads really makes it seem like they are the same guy. Rastalian or something?


(gives Ràlph a cookie for grammar and punctuation)

I’m actually waiting to see if I’m even interested in Torgast before worrying though. So far in the beta it’s just been meh.


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Terrific system imo

Group activity should be put on a pedestal. Being social and being skilled should reward more than one of either.

Mythic raiding ftw


Been this way for a loooooooong time.

And the PvP verse buff is useless in comparison to the raid trinkets, not the mythic gear. The verse would cancel out their mythic raid advantage. But the on demand damage from those trinkets doing 50% of someone’s hp… those are super good.

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