Shadowlands: Let Survival Hunters Dual-Wield

That doesn’t answer my question. And you clearly don’t sincerely care about what they did since you routinely talk about how it was a good thing and how we’re better off for it.

You’re right i don’t.


Well… I don’t have a solution there. You’re completely right that the hybrid style will be removed if RSV returns as the “base spec” for the mechanics of SV.

All I could imagine is some weird talent that grants a damage boost for being in melee range or even using a melee weapon, but that sounds awfully complicated and would probably annoy everyone who hates having to be in melee range at all.

Oh well, I’d rather be 100% ranged but I can see why you would miss the uniqueness of the melee/ranged hybrid style. I guess I would miss it a bit too… though not as much as I miss RSV’s playstyle as a whole. :sweat_smile:

And this is why people don’t mind removing your spec.

Well it doesn’t really matter what “people” mind does it. Blizz did what they did, and justify it with saying that it was supposed to be melee from the start.

On topic around letting SV dual wield, why is it that you feel the need to speak?

Because he likes to cry about MSV.


I posted this on another Dual Wield thread:

As we become more hybrid in our design as survival there becomes less reason to dual wield. We will need less hits as we keep ourselves ranged more and kite more and come in for a couple hits only to kite again. Dual wield will be less big hit damage that 2handers offer and potentially missing hiting with both weapons with each time you go in. You do get the benefit to enchant a second weapon, but that’s about it.

I understand your frustration, you want to use what’s available for looks and possibly RP. Although, even as I played back with a dead zone dual wield was for stat boosts to supplement your ranged damage for PvE while 2handers were a must for PvP for those quick big hit damages until you could get yourself back ranged. Which since we are a melee hybrid, we will want those big hits.

Dual wield holds little benefits, but as we do have one weapon you’re going to want to have the maximum output for our more hybrid spec. 2 handers offer that with bigger crits/hits.

In PvP, since we wont be meleeing 100% of the time, you’re going to want the bigger hits then retreat. Hunter is not a tanky class and does not have many defensive CDs. Your utility is designed to obtain more range. Getting less damage crits/hits would be detrimental and be unpractical to utilize because the point of a DPS class is to get most DPS out in situations you can…

I understand your enthusiasm, and it does look cool having two big 1 hander axes on your side. I think if we want to push hard get fad changes blizzard will be less likely to care about the changes we push for that we really need.

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What if we are just here for the cosmetics and want the cosmetic option of being able to dual wield?

You want cosmetic of your character hitting an offhand without doing any damage? This is coding that is not currently in the game and for a class that can’t get illusions on ranged weapons but druids can have 1000+ shapeshifting forms is a pretty tall glass of water to fill.

This just goes to my ending statement, we as hunters should focus our push not on cosmetic effects or total RP things like eyes of the beast and focus on getting real quality class changes. This is a sideshow to a class that so many people are worried about in SL due to lack of quality design and vision.

But by all means, if you get your desire, all power to you… It’s just unpractical, and if done over what we really need, a slap to our faces.

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Yes it is, The toy weapon set can make someone using a two hand sword morph to using a one hand sword and shield. It can also make someone who is dual wielding also move to using a one hand weapon a shield.

The same can be said for Holy paladins who move from using a one hand and shield to using a 2 hand mace via their artifact.

Also while we are on the topic of druids, Feral druids can transmog their two hand weapon usually a staff to their artifacts which are two daggers.

Finally, one would imagine the same team in charge of cosmetic transmog changes are not the same team in charge of class design and balancing.

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Are you saying that Blizzard wouldn’t be able to balance the stat difference between 2-hands and dual-wielding? Blizzard is lifting the weapon restrictions from FDKs and WW/BM monks, so why should this be an issue for us if it isn’t an issue for them?


If we get dual wield I think there will be no balance. I think you’ll have the ability to dual wield and the ability to wear the right thing to ensure best damage output.

You may find similar dps in a straight 1 minute melee only fight, but we aren’t built that way. Especially in PvP you’ll want to get the big hits and get out.


In Legion they streamlined all ability attacks to use weapon DPS instead of weapon damage. Since there’s a direct correlation between the DPS of a 2 hander at a given ilvl and the DPS of a equal level 1 hander they can easily determine the multiplier to make the DPS portion of that calculation equal for abilities.

For autoattacks they need to just have a hidden modifier like monks use to have that makes 2 handers swing for % faster and 1 hander swing for % harder and have it only apply to autoattacks.

Both solutions combined means that 2 one handers and a 2 hander of equal ilvl will do the same damage. The final balancing act would be to either a) make it so enchants provide double bonus on 2 handers or half bonus to 1 handers OR b) make it so only items in the main hand provide their enchant bonuses.

It’s not that hard mathematically, it’s just will they do it? Probably not, the spec doesn’t have enough population to warrant the effort required. If they were going to do it they should build in the methods at a level higher than the skills themselves and that way they can easily apply it to other classes as desired, but it would mean they have to go through and fix those already coded at the skill level such as warriors.

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By Default, besides the 3 ranged types and couple Two-handeds, Hunters are able to equip one-handed: Daggers, Swords, Axes and Fist Weapons. All these weapon types have been in that proficiency tooltip ever since hunter class was born.

Furthermore, i don’t mean to support DW melee for one spec, instead, all specs. The weapons proficiency was given to the Hunter in the general spellbook, meaning it had been an option for all types of Hunters specs to wield those weapons all along.

There have been dual wielding BMs way earlier in the days which used Aspect of the Viper to replenish that mana at close range dual wielding and then Disengage back to ranged, it was badass. Obviously MM would be more powerful at ranged given their name but, with the option to switch stance to DW/Melee for situational battles, such would give Hunters a much richer gameplay flavor and fantasy all in one combo.

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Id say give a single onehander slot for every hunter spec as well as bow slot fir every spec. Then add animations to use that one hander while in melee and ranged while at range. INFINITE RP POSSIBILITIES!!! (Jk I just wanna RP Aragorn)

I agree! Give Hunters dual wield! We had it in vanilla wow… bring it back but with style!

Make it a talent tree option set that allows us to choose our play style.

Talent Option 1: Mongoose Bite. This spell would require a two-handed weapon and would have a similar function of today’s alpha.

Talent Option 2: Fury of the Eagle. This spell would require dual wield, and would operate similar to a 3 hit warrior rampage or the previous fury of the eagle spell that was removed. I would like to see this spell do a light 3 hit but apply similar haste focused mongoose effect.

Talent Option 3: Throwing Axes. This spell would offer a little more flexibility on a mixed ranged / melee playstyle. It would require dual wield, have a CD of something like 45 seconds, and would increase the range of all attacks by 15 yards for 30 seconds. Kinda like a longer Aspect of the Eagle. The playstyle would be weaving in and out of melee and range and could be interesting in pvp also.

Just some brainstorming for you Blizzard. On the house. :slight_smile:


Yes, mandatory 10 characters.

How would duel wielding fix/change anything exactly?

Why would it need to fix anything?
I just want it because it would be cool!
Isn’t that reason enough?

I’ve wanted it to come back ever since they took away the two swords that used to hang at my hunter’s sides back in Wrath of the Lich King. Two swords, a bow and a quiver… those were the days.