Shadowlands: Let Survival Hunters Dual-Wield

Hunters can already equip two one-handed weapons and unlock one-handed weapon transmogs. Why? They can’t actually put them to use. So why not let us use them?

Let Survival hunters dual-wield! Rexxar can do it! Let us live our Rexxar/Drizzt fantasies!

Also bring back quivers. They used to look so nice on our back.


Rexxar is a Beastmaster in his lore, they should just make survival ranged again and make bm hunter dual wield melee, that would be amazing.

Reason for me saying this is because beast master spec already feels like a melee spec with its small range and instant cast abilities.


Heroes aren’t limited to one spec. Rexxar definitely shows aspects of BM and Surv.


only if it’s dual-wielding a polearm + bow


The thing about survival is, its basically cloned from the the beast master spec because they didn’t know what to do with a melee spec for hunter. Their CD is basically Bestial Wrath, they get kill command, and they have spirit bond which is basically what beast masters used to have.

I understand some heroes are not limited to specs like us players are as they are all around “Hunters” which is a vague term. Honestly he just feels like what beast master hunters should be instead of what they are currently. Imagine fighting alongside your pet with dual wielding weapons like he does, it would be amazing but not what I imagine a survival hunter to be.


Few things, coordinated assault/ beastial wrath rip off didn’t start till BFA, before then aspect of the eagle was our main cd in legion and it was very unique. Also they changed flanking strike to kill command in bfa which also didn’t make much sense. They had some nice core elements of SV in legion that just needed tweaking, instead they tore a lot of that away and pasted in some BM because why not.

Still though all that can be tweaked back or even made better but none of that has anything to do with SV being able to dual wield.

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This is only because Surv “borrows” (read: steals) aspects from BM.


Trading 2h for dual wielding is never a positive nor beloved thing.
Shamans to this day doesnt like it.
DKs hated soo much blizzard is giving 2 hand back

Survival is fine if anything they should focus more in buffing MM.

Ya and he summons over 4 different types of beasts.
Rexxar is also the most boring lore character this game has ever invented lol.

BW is way shorter.

BM=MM because they get concussive shot too.

DHs have a form that used to be from warlocks, so?

It sucks big time honestly.

The specs felt horrible to play in legion lol button smashing to do the saem dps another class does in 1 button.


It did have ability bloat but that doesn’t change the fact that they removed so much of that only to paste in a lot of BM elements into SV. We don’t need Kill comand if we have flanking strike and coordinated assault needs a huge visual and element change because it is high key just bestial wrath.

Yes please, let me dual wield to live out my Rexxar fantasy.


Some DKs did. Others, like myself, preferred 2H but at least were willing to use DW when it was forced by Legion. There are also plenty that prefer DW.

This would only be accurate if you switched Concussive Shot with Aimed Shot and BM somehow had it. Kill Command is BM’s signature attack. MSV took it and repurposed it to somehow PROVIDE focus. The opposite of the the ability does for BM.

Utility spells like Concussive Shot, Counter Shot, and traps along with general Hunter Spells like Multi Shot (and Hunter’s Mark and Steady Shot before their removal as general Hunter spells in WoD/Legion) can’t be used to say one spec is like another. It comes down to what spells have been designated as spec abilities. Kill Command has historically been BM only and it’s primary nuke.

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And made it better,

We don’t need flanking strike

It looks fine honestly, BW makes the pet bigger, CA doesnt.
Sure they could give another look but thats hardly a major issue.

Their forums exploded in happiness.

Nah concussive shot is fine.

You know what? no, this is also too MM. True BM would ask for a pet interrupt.

Times changes.

Lol, you’re joking right?

Boi bye :wave:t6:


Nop, it is more fluid, deals more damage and is better placed in pvp.
It is objectively better.


Omg!!! Not the damage :rofl: :joy:

Watch out guys the SV hunter is using Kill command! :joy:

Everyone take cover! The kill command damage is too much! :rofl:


You must be loving it.
You are using bloodseeker(and no alpha wtf lol).
And doing more damage than in legion.

btw check zookepertoy there is no need for viper sting talent whitout hydra’s bite too.

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Oh my sweet summer child, allow me to explain some things to you.

I chose Viper’s venom because at my level of haste I don’t need the second charge of kill command to generate that much focus. I also use Wildfire infusion so I get a lot of kill command resets based off my rotation as it is.

Since I also run a latent poison build the free Serpents stings just make my rotation feel better than the extra kill command charge.

Also because I’m using wild fire infusion guerrilla tactics is a much stronger choice than hydra’s bite and allows for much smoother gameplay for me as well.

So for my rotation with my talent set up and haste level the talents i’ve selected work best for me and yield me the best results.

But i do salute you on your reading efforts

Thats an ok suboptimal way to play. And still viable because the spec is better designed than in legion.
But the reason to alpha and bloodseeker isnt the focus but the increased damage which is still better than viper whitout hydra.

Nop, to be so you actually need wildfire bombs azerite trait instead of latent poison. And this will be a much stronger aoe and pretty descent ST.
Again read zookeepertoy or try to go in his surv hunter discord he is very helpful with new players.

Those are not the best results.
You are trying to play suboptimal Qusa but it does get any +15 done like well any build in most cases.
Because the spec is better designed than legion.

I whish i could salute you for your education, regardless of opinion.
A shame the ones responsible are either not valued by you or gave up entirely and cannot be blamed.
But to each its own.

Rexxar is Rexxar in Lore, no class, no spec tied to it. Rexxar in WoW game mechanic is tied to Survival spec. Rexxar in WC3 game CLASS NAME is Beastmaster.

Do some research before saying random claim.

True the 2nd charge of KC isn’t needed once we get to X haste… however it will still outperform Viper. Do not forget there is a 30% extra dmg with KC using the talent. ( KC scales better with AP than Sting does)

That being said, your build seem to be more a in between than fully committing to one side. Can it work? Certainly, but is it the most optimal one ? Most likely not.

Zookeepertoy uses 3 different build based on content he does… Latent / Wildfire / blur talon.

To note, hes also in the high end of PvE content, things work differently there. It won’t be the same as in a +10 /15 for M+.

If i wanted optimal I’d be a birds of prey girl. Im more of a flow and feel type of chick.