Shadowlands launch cinematics (spoilers)

She didnt jump off icecrown in legion.

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There is the reference in Ogmots journal
“Other hammers here now. Dey talk and talk bout Argus. Bout da one dat got wakened. Bout great victory dat our enemy not even notice”
The victory could be the braking of the machine.

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The problem with it being Argus is other titans have already died too and they didn’t screw the Shadowlands up.

I can’t think of anyone else it could be though.

Wasn’t he was singular, not full titan and soulless in the end?

I think it is less to do with it being Argus, but i Think it is Argus related, Argus kept the demon souls etc so they could regenerate, maybe when he died the souls of mortals that had been tortured etc went to the shadowlands, maybe the fact that the legion had tampered with them was something that caused Arbiter to go coma.

basically it is a consequence of argus death.

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Hopefully not a red herring.

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I mean all I can see it be is something related to argus. It is the only event that would make sense in the timeline. I dont think it is xavius, because multiple Satyrs have died, as well as ones with loyalties to the Legion and The voidlords (The dreadlords for instance)

Well they didnt full out die die to start with, Norgannon in the last moments cast a spell to preserve his and the other Titan souls in the mortal plane and hide them away from Sargeras.

But beyond that point, that would be exactly the issue. Titans are not SUPPOSED to go there, and could of only gotten caught up in the soul stream with mortals if forcibly pulled there by external forces. It caused the Arbiter to malfunction and shut down, as she is not meant to judge Titans.

Inb4 it was that Secret draenei child.

Machine broke in Legion

Igod (red shirt guy) made a good case for it being Argus.

Check the color of his soul so to speak.

Argus’s soul was blue. He turned red when empowered by Sargeras.

maybe it was the agony/rage or something.

No he turned red when Sargeras empowered him

Argus soul is this


Apperantly it was supposed to be obvious… so unless they correct me I am going to go with the most obvious option, that being Argus, the apparent Titan of Death. The only other one with that shade of Red would perhaps be Xavius with latent Nightmare corruption?

People have been saying it is argus since when it was announced it happened during legion.

Dont like mentioning it but it feels like this is the Teldrassil thing all over again :stuck_out_tongue: as in what happened first.

Argus is the most obvious option but he is also a Titan and they’ve stated Titans go back to their plane when they die also :upside_down_face:

Also Amanthul uses the last bit of Argus to trap Sargeras back in his throne.

Stuff ain’t adding up

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Since when has that stopped Blizzard :wink:

I understand retcon’ing decades old lore, even 2 expacs old lore, but this was said 3 months ago in a develooment interview :skull::skull::skull::sob::sob::sob:

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You can justify it by saying Dreadlord tampering occurred. The Legion thought them unwaveringly loyal, so they had unrestricted access to the tormented world soul for a very, very long time. Plenty of time to of set this sort of trap up.

It is basically an exceedingly long con job coming to fruition if that is that case.