Shadowlands is not fun

I completely agree. I’ve tried numerous times but it seems everyone is so much more angrier in this expac than before, the game isnt fun, the story is lame and detached, i dont like how my class feels.

i ended up uninstalling and unsubbing. i havent uninstalled since cata, even Bfa was better than shadowlands. it sucks, i just miss wow and my characters so much


There are 9 milllion less subs today than 9 years ago. A lot of us are only subbed cause of COVID. He’s not wrong


He’s right, the new shiny xpac is over. SL is made for high-end mythic+ and raiding. That said, even they are screwed over with the loot. The fact that pvp is so unbalanced and the regular WQ’s are unrewarding and boring, I am moving on from a game I have spent way too much time on.


And yet so many are finding that the vault contains no real upgrades. It’s just another unrewarding disappointment.

Becoz people needs learn2play. You expect your last vault option to be a good gear and you run a M+2? The vault can be controlled… BY YOU. Mess it up and you mess your vault. That’s why I make sure my runs are decent keys… no freaking +3 or +2.

I love playing alts but this expansion has made me feel like im being punished for playing alts. I have done the maw intro quests 16 times (YES 16 times) so i can unlock all the covenant armor for all armor appearances but the grind to get them all is seriously insane! The amount of anima and grateful offerings you need is truly insane. It feels like this expansion is a lot of work so why bother playing?

Imagine, a company who wants to make a game. He wants his players to have multiple options, multiple choices, a lot of variety, a gargantuan selections… The game should be awesome. But there are players who wants to play ALL THE POSSIBLE OPTIONS. Becoz the game is HUGE, DOING ALL OF THEM TAKES FOREVER. And WoW is now a bad game becoz of having too much options. An alt is one option… 16 alts… 16 options. The game is BAD? If the game is just simple single option. Would be that a good game for you?

You are not required to do all the options. You are the one who is imposing it on yourself.

The game is OKAY.

Yeah, it’s just “okay.” It’s not really anything special anymore. It’s just still around.

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Citation needed

The game is okay… on giving us tons of selections. But the current game is AWESOME BECOZ THERE IS MYTHIC+ AND DUNGEON FINDER. And the best part what I like with the current game is IT ALLOWS CASUAL (less playing time not noob) TO BE BADAZZ.

WoW is special 15 years ago and still very special 15 years later RIGHT NOW. There’s no other MMO like it. And that’s my honest opinion.

We have differing opinions, and that’s okay.

I envy your enjoyment of it, that’s for sure. To me the game feels stagnant.

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There are some really awesome things about Shadowlands. The art and zone design (I’ll never be tired of exploring Ardenweald), the covenant campaigns and their awesome armor. I really love the ability to level with FATE and just run random BGs to gear (or dungeons, or… whatever I want! Choice is king!)…

And then there are some things that are just killing the game for me personally.

The lack of loot is a MASSIVE issue for characters that have bad RNG (I have an alt that is just struggling like hell to gear). Warforging (not Titanforging) along with the new Valor system would be a massive step in the right direction.

Not to mention more items simply should drop. Seasons pass quickly, there’s no reason alts should be completely left behind if you’re not foot in the door running 15s day 1 for 3x cache RNG each week.

The ripcord should be mentioned again, because the balance issues have not been addressed. They’ve gotta figure out a way to let us actually have a say where we end up. And class balance/mental “meta” business going on.

Bah. Good things, bad things. Hopefully it levels out at some point.

been saying this since launch and 9.1 doesnt look to fix that.

I’m having a lot of fun still, and I haven’t even begun to do some of the things on my list such as levelling alts.

Agree with the OP. I’m only playing it because I hate myself. In a good way, of course.

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Agree. They royally destroyed this game. 90% of my hardcore friends left the game. This is way worse than BFA.


There, fixed. You are not the voice of the community.

While it it still fun, I get what you mean, unfortunately it has been this way for almost 15 years. No one will admit it, but Arenas were the beginning of the end, that’s when I “stopped playing”.

Shadowlands is the bottom of the pit that started with WoD.


Yep the game fells no rewarding for the amount of effort put on it. Bfa was better.

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