Shadowlands is lacking player agency so far

In Eso basicly it only changes the way you see the game, not how you see people. It’s also smaller storylines, you can’t kill the main characters obviously but anything else is on the table.

I am not a fan of multiple people in the same zone, seeing a different zone.

“Hey, the NPC is over here”
–“no he isnt”
“Yeah he is, im standing right next to him”
–“crap, what quest did you do a month ago that may have changed things?”

It’s not a big cost for me to get more rp in a game.
Can obviously use wowhead if people have different characters they see and need help. But even on some questlines we get this in wow in some minor way. (sort of questines that requires you to have the quest to see characters)

The problem with those consequences is they are gameplay consequences, not story consequences. For me the wording on the choices the player makes have consequences need to be driven by the story first, and this isn’t the case for me.

The power that comes from covenants is disproportionate compared to their rp value and the decisions that the player actually make is just being forced to choose a covenants, choose his angle/point of view of the story.This kind of choices locking gameplay is not needed to be a consequence and is a step back in term gameplay.

People liking this type of choice are basicly players that like nostalgia and video games that punish them for arbitrary reasons, not really people liking the story value of game or rpgs that can exist without this kinda of choices locking gameplay which never happens 99% of the time.

Giving choices in Main story may be hard but they could definitely try with the zones. Zone story-lines should allow multiple choices for players.

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Yes basicly this, if a side story character dies or you manage to save him or wathever you decided to save a village and not side bandits. All type of choices that can exist and matter. WIth those choices then it could even affect later choices, some npcs remembering you if saved them or etc.

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But I was responding to the OP who was claiming that there was barely any player agency. There is player agency, and plenty of it, in fact there’s a lot of player agency in WoW, because you have many choices to make, all of which have consequences. Some minor, some major.

Player agency =/= Only story based choices.

Personnaly for me that’s how I see it, more player agency is letting players have a bigger impact in the story.

The contrary of player agency is railroading and that’s what wow is, even with 4 covenants. We went from one theme park or 2 if you were Horde, to 4 theme parks that all lead to the same ending. I appreciate the effort in wanting more story basicly, but Legion class hall was even more story.

Basicly as long as your character story is already established by Blizzard you are not having more player agency. Choosing a covenant is only choosing a point of view, it doesn’t have any story impact on the game. Moreover when we know you will be able to switch covenants, because they aren’t that important.

I think personally everyone wants player agency but nobody really wants the consquences that comes along with it. Be it different phases, or choices that you can’t change which affect gameplay. You can’t really have you cake and eat it too there will always be a consquence somewhere down the road when you have agency.

gameplay is often king in video games.
You can have payer agency without making it a mess.
It should never be your first choice to mess with it when trying to add player agency moreover in a AAA game. This isn’t a niche game trying to please only a niche of players.

You could of fooled me with things such as removing casual friendly gearing options, pathfinder, and a large focus on esports.

Seems a pretty solid focus on a niche crowd.

Casuals can gear themselves the easiest since all time of wow even without titanforigng, pathfinder I disagree with it atleast on the fact that it’s timegated with a patch, wow isn’t even close to esport focus of a lot of games. If anything the biggest competitions of wow are comparable to those that the community do.

There’s something for everyone in wow.

Titanforging removal makes gearing for casual end at a pretty crappy area. Way below any of the non casual players. I guess it is easier in that sense… giving that it ends super easy at a pretty crappy ilevel.

See in all honesty how the story turns out in the end, is really up to how the writers, write it, not how the player, chooses to play it. Its always in WoW been pretty defined ending. So to say that WoW will now have a player defined endings where an xpac may have 4 or 5 different way it will end. I do not believe that will ever happen and make really any since in going into the next xpac.

As a game crater you have to have a define start and finish for a game or people will get lost as to what moves you into the next xpac, what moves you forward in the story line. Having multi player chosen endings would make the possibilities to abundant for the writers to keep up with. Lets face it they have a hard enough time keeping hard line story lines enacted as is.

When it comes to gear, I feel BFA was the least rewarding experience I have ever felt when it comes to gear. I don’t so much care about bonus slots on a peace of gear that is random (IE gem slot) Its been the whole loss of feeling of BIS and also the loss of tier gear. It just leaves the reward feeling empty. Its like killing something once is the only goal, farming is more of just a waste of time because you don’t get that feeling your earning anything special for your effort.

Raids: so much of the raids have lost any reason to actually run them and deal with the effort to clear them or farm them for items. Thus why even bother to do them in the 1st place.

Visions can drop 470 gear, you can do very casually a m+10 that gives 465 gear.
I think it’s fine that a video game has a structure for it’s reward, titanforging removed that and made the game more a skinner box than ever. Casuals are lucky in the way that there’s a lot of content are done for them, wqs/LFR/heroic dungeons/questlines. Asking for the gear tho, that’s asking to destroy the reward structure and for me that’s a big no. It removes incentives to progress in the game and doesn’t make sense for rp reasons.

Casually do M10? with failure io being a thing? LOL.

Maybe if you nolife your score to the abscene number people require.

I get it it’s scary for many people. But you can do a M+10 by getting up your key realy quick.

How I did my alts, wqs up to 445-450, mixed with starting to get my cloak
Farm M+8 without any score people will take you in +8s if your 445+. That gives 455
Get to 460 and start finishing visions that drop 470.
Once 460 you can easily start a +10 group and push your own key and get a weekly 465. And that,s good enough with minimal efforts.

All of which requires you to leave the more casual content where the groups are preformed. Such as LFR. LFD. or doing simple world quests. Lets stop pretending the new gearing system is anything but casual unfriendly. It’s going back to the crapshoot it was for casuals back in TBC days. Not personally looking forward to it. I guess atleast attunements are still gone, for now.

That used to be how it was done. Games were better back then. But then the preorder nation attacked.

I mean casual isn’t the same meaning for everyone. But my point was more that you can do it without too much efforts even as a casual.

I don’t see rewards as content, rewards are incentives. And I think it’s fine to have an end and a bis list, which titanforging kinda removed else it makes the game too much a skinner box and I feel that makes it worse. And like I said for rp reasons, titanforging didn’t make much sense.