Shadowlands is a Top 3 Expansion of WoW

Nah, played every expack (raided too) and can definitely say SL is the only one that has had me take a break. Did literally zero season 4 content. I even enjoyed BFA a lot same with WoD. SL just was awful. Terrible writing, bad class design, Covenants were a mess, Raid tuning was all over the place in mythic, Classes launched completely broken (Yu’lon i’m looking at you literally not working for the first month of SL). Just a mess of an expansion. This isnt with rose tinted goggles either, other expacks had major problems too but nothing so coupled together as SL did.


To me, I enjoyed SL for a few months but quit before what is it…Korthia?.. came out. I only recently came back. Honestly don’t feel like I missed out on much of anything, and now we get to move on to DF anyway!

I’d say it does have cool art and stuff, I’m sure it’s not the worst expansion, but it is one of the most needlessly time consuming ones it felt like.


Yeah… im one of those people who would play wow no matter what they put out and shadowlands did it for me. I have 0 desire to play going foward.

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So it wasn’t fine :slight_smile:

Game designers will study Shadowlands for the same reason civil engineers study the Tacoma Narrows Bridge and aeronautical engineers will study the Boeing 737 MAX: as a shining example of HOW NOT TO DO THIS.


There were things in SL that were just the normal for every xpac experience, there were things I felt I enjoyed. BUT there are things that really killed my enjoyment as well. It made me feel unrewarded for my time spent in the game and doing things. Which made me feel resentful in doing them. Out of 18 years of WoW I had never felt that way in the game, I always was able to get above any negative game play and find enjoyment enough in the game to keep wanting to play hours on end each day of the week and invest time to progress chasing after carrots on the stick to become more powerful within the game. In SL, I just shut down, it was bad enough I with drew from it and said to myself. That it just was not worth it.


Nice bait king.

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In terms of collecting it’s actually top. The number of mounts and pets from Shadowlands world content blows every other expansion out of the water.

Just go look yourself up on and compare the Shadowlands sections to the expansions below it


Shadow lands was the first expansion to get me to quit. Can’t really judge more than the first patch but I hated it.


WoD could have been the best expansion if they had kept it alive with new content like shattrath and such. And i miss the garrison so much


Some people just have really low standards.


Yes, people always whine about how awful, terrible, horrific an expansion is. Then 2 or 3 expansions later change their tune. It’s hilarious really. At least I know for myself I can always find things to appreciate about each expansion so I’m not one of “those people”. The music was phenomenal as always as was the scenery. I had fun with Korthia and I want to build a house in Zereth Mortis. Torghast was fun maybe tedious but I still had fun with it. As with anything just cause hated it and had a “awful time” doesn’t mean it was bad.

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Shoo troll

Need to lay off the voodoo…

I think SL was amazing. but Torghast – replay value? huh lol.

I had alot alot alot of fun this expac, I cant believe I didnt quit lol. I played almost the whole way through, I think I came in 4-5 months in?

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We were given 4 “systems” to “play” with.

Except we could only choose ONE of them. In a game with a 2 year life cycle, we spent an entire year locked into JUST ONE of those systems.

That, alone, would be enough to condemn this pos expansion.

And Torghast?? You know how it SHOULD have worked? You gain powers, you CRUSH the place. Done and done.

Instead, the powers gave you (sic) 10% more power… except when you went up a floor, everything else ALSO went up 10%. Net result: everything was the same. So instead of being a fun jaunt playing around with unique powers, you HAD to collect those powers JUST TO SURVIVE. And worse-- if you got the WRONG powers, it was almost impossible. There’s a reason it was called “Choreghast.”


Shall we now discuss having classes with their AoE capped at a mere 5 targets? Oh wait, my bad… some were capped at 8. Oh wait, my bad… SOME WEREN’T CAPPED AT ALL.

There is no game like this without balance. And even a six year old knows you’re not going to balance ^^ THAT nonsense. Seriously-- WHO ALLOWED THAT???

So no, SL is a stain on the legacy of WoW. WoD may have lacked content, but the dungeons and raids that we did get were solid; we just didn’t get enough of it. That’s different than the pathetic MESS that we were handed with SL.


I hate that you said that

I hate even more that I agree

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Shut up Donny! LOL

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I guess with top 3 for the worst expansions. The garrison expansion it better than shadowlands.

Battle for Azeroth

What SL needed to be good was to not annoy and get in the way of the players who actually wanted to play.

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Another Garmuck post, here to clutter up the forums.

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