Shadowlands is a Top 3 Expansion of WoW

Why do you make so many threads op? Why do you think you are so interesting?


No one says these things with a straight face.


SL saw the lowest numbers for WOW in years. But ok.

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torghast coulda been better, it was alright. I actually really liked covs / legendaries to the point that i’ve stuck with the same cov since whenever i had to choose on every character. The zones are all varied and gorgeous, yes even stinky poopoo maldraxxus, the music was amazing as well. Revendreth, maldraxxus, ardenweald, and zereth mortis all had really good music.

unfortunately badowlands is the current expansion so its complete dog poop awful garbage i hate it i wish we could go back to the great zones of bfa which no one ever complained about ever. also danuser, ion. BAD.

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The Legendaries system was a dog’s breakfast. Anyone who thinks it was good has taken one to many blows to the head.


I did say at the start of shadowlands that it was the best expansion ever. The patches were small aside from 9.2 and the content came out so slow. I think 9.0 lasted like eight months or something outrageous. Completely killed any hype and then they had the lawsuits and the elune lore. And the expansion plummeted

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Maybe top 3 that sold
 but as far as the game is self and the subs its the worst


/sips white Russian


As someone who has played each extensively and fully
SL is getting a 2nd or possibly 3rd worse expansion. BfA is solidly dead last place and it’s kind of a toss up for WoD, SL, or Legion as the next worst. They are all 3 very strong contenders for next worst after BfA.

Thing with SL is it actually improved significantly over Legion and BfA in some of the greatest sins both expansions earned my ire for
and I honestly feel if COVID hadn’t wrecked its development and we got what I expect was a full content patch, it might have been a much better expansion overall and even one of the greater ones
SL, for me, will always be up there with WoD with an expansion with the most missed potential.


Financially ? Maybe, it had the highest pre order sales

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Shadowlands was a fine expac. It was just messed up by the systems.

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Shadowlands was the worst expac since WoD


I remember when people thought Cataclysm was bad.

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Me in the past: “WoD is the worst xpac WoW has ever had and theres no way it could be worse”

Also me in the past: “okay BFA dethorned WoD so its the worst xpac now and surely Blizzard cant do worse than this”

Me in SL: " is this company even capable of making a good expansion anymore?"

  1. Covenants were so bad, renown wasn’t a thing when Eternity’s End hit
  2. Legendaries were nice, but most were Legion Legendaries and had us go through Torghast.
  3. Torghast could’ve been brilliant, but was just there, occassionally you’d run in for soul ash, but no sane man would want those cosmetics, unless they really liked that style
 And it’s not even sets, it’s just shoulders.
  4. Replay value
 What? The Story was so awful, I just used Threads of Fate to Level Alts, now if we’re talking about Threads of Fate specifically that has to be the only good thing to spawn from this moronic expansion.
  5. Art wise launch to first patch
wait no
 Launch was great, but Korthia 
 There was no effort, it’s like everything possible threw up in there (has to be the worst possible work I’ve seen from the art team) and it was one of the smallest zones! And Zereth Mortis was nice
but, I’ll never go back into that hell-hole. The Place was a giant circle! Are we really gonna congratulate the art team again for phoning it in! I’ll give them this, Dragonflight is beautiful but, SL Sucked.
  6. I just want to put this in here, Lore wise, WOW is at an all time low; I still have no idea what the Jailer wanted, Sylvanas was spared, they had so many opportunities they missed! I’m just glad Tyrande’s “Illidan” Arc is over! Tyrande was unique afore, she was amazing, now she’s a female Illidan knock off! And Thrall Got back his powers? I get it but
 Is that going to go anywhere? And Baine! He was real important this expansion wasn’t
 Oh right the questline to free him from Torghast was REMOVED! For a guy who looks for amazing story, I have no idea why I still play this game, aside from older content, and the promises of the next!

So uhh
 I suppose I should say something positive about the expansion
 Moonberry was nice! 1 out of 7 ain’t bad
 Wait a sec, I’m reading it over again “Torghast gave the replay value” What!? WHAT!? You don’t get
 Dear Lord


I don’t know, this narrative could work, we can get more and more meta, until the characters in game realize their world is a simulation and the decisions they thought they were making with their own free will was in fact made by millions of unseen force from outside of their reality.

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5th or maybe even 4th i could see being debatable. 3rd is pushing it heh

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So, I have a question for you.

Did you smash their head in with a rock? If you didn’t, I’ll be disappointed.

Well those things are more to do than what we are getting in DF so maybe he is right? I AM KRUMTOILET!!!


I actually liked WOD. But for the fun I had, I can’t ignore the glaring flaws (namely garrisons, for a lot of reasons).

At least it didn’t have integral borrowed power like Legion, BFA, and (in the worst case) slands.