Shadowlands is a mess

You can google this. There have been various articles and studies over many years that theorize that sociopaths make it to the top. It’s very easy to find, people aren’t pulling this out of their bum because they hate Ion.


The Camera being launched into the air like a Space-X Rocket when logging in Mounted.

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I gave them constructive criticism in beta and on this forum countless times. “We know what the players want. We just don’t agree” after that statement from Ion I’m not giving suggestions anymore.

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They’ll drive their own game in the dirt just like SWG did with that mentality.


I think you’re the only person I know who keeps bringing up SWG as much as I do. And, I’m not saying that’s bad. I feel like I’m going to be bitter about what happened with SWG to the day I die. It’s maddening how great that game could be and how the devs ruined it. And, you’re right. The only thing that’s going to kill WoW is the devs, and they seem to be on a fast track at the moment (though not as fast as SWG)


Yeah I don’t think he has the amount of control we all think he does.

Because, luckily for us, the official WoW forum is full of business professionals and executives who know the in’s and out’s of a multibillion dollar business. We’re even luckier to have so many legal experts and politicians here.


It’s almost certain that the players who are obsessed with Ion, his position, and calling for him to lose to job have never worked a supervisor or managerial position in professional setting, otherwise they’d know how to manage their time and they’d understand that all this bickering and whining is time not well spent.

Jealousy of his success is all over the forum. Imagine what some of these posters could do with themselves if they invested all his emotion into a degree, a business, or some other positive outlet. But instead these players throw temper tantrums on a video game forum. I’m sure their constant rants over this guy are taken really seriously by anyone in a suit…

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Well, that’s a very interesting, yet ill-informed take. You didn’t even address my point. You’re such a troll. I swear, sometimes I read your responses just because they make me laugh at the absurdity.

Yes, we’re all jealous of Ion. None of us have ever had a managerial position. It’s certainly not because we don’t like the direction of the game, and Ion’s defense of it.

Are you Ion?


I think it can be fixed, but only if the devs agree that it needs to be fixed. It’s not like there are any complicated problems here. The Devs have very clear design philosophies and players have been very outspoken about what they think about those philosophies.

So the question is how does Blizz evaluate player satisfaction and why does that process seem to be so bad at actually measuring the player experience?

These things should be quick. Oh, players really don’t like conduit energy and it’s creating a bad experience for people who play multiple specs? patch 9.02, no more energy. How did we end up with covenant legendaries in 9.1 after more than a half of a year of iteration, and how is that the result of player feedback? It’s baffling.


Most of them are until the second or third patch. The biggest problem is that we have only had one patch and it didn’t really add anything to the game overall.

I don’t mean that it literally can’t be fixed. The issue is time. Assuming the new xpack gets shown this year and comes out late next year, where is the time for them to fix this? I mean, I sure as hell don’t want this expansion extended any longer than it needs to be. lol

They are setting a goal post and credentials for criticism. They are a joke. That’s why most people laugh when they see their posts.

You don’t need to be a chef to know something is wrong with your order. Full stop.

I do think a lot of the criticism is baseless and not constructive, but you don’t get to filter that and have to take the good with the bad. Instead of just ignoring bad criticism they are shifting the topic to “LOL Most people aren’t even qualified to say that” as if any of us had to be vetted before using the forums. :roll_eyes:


People pay for a Torghast boost?!?! :open_mouth:

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I mean lets be real here as you post it. WoW lets players buy tokens with money to sell for gold on the AH. Literally Blizzard is actually letting people spend real cash for an item that sells for X on the AH and then they take that gold and buy a boost. It’s not wrong when the group who writes the law says that it’s legal.

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Just because Blizz sanctions it doesn’t mean it is good for the game. And I’m not going to say all the Discords that sell carries but there are a lot of them and they don’t take wow gold they take your credit card number. If you want to see for yourself just talk to the advertisers in LFG and they will send you their discord. I reported them back when I thought Blizz cared.

And let’s be honest here: The gold cap is 9,999,999. These boosters that do take wow gold how long will they do so? There really isn’t a legit gold sink in this game.

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As far as I know, the 3 Anima fixes were hotfixed. So, it doesn’t have to be a long process. Of course, the hot fix was not nearly enough and it isn’t account wide, so it’s not really that helpful. But, the point is, as you say, these things could be quick if the design team agreed to do it. But, they apparently think things are fine. The only way to make them change is to unsub and tell them exactly why you’re doing so. (Not telling you to unsub, of course, just saying that’s when they decide maybe their philosophies weren’t so great after all, aka, no flying in WoD)

I have many suggestions lined up in word pad but I am saving it for the next team that will work on WoW.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Lol. Good idea. I can’t imagine after 2 hard failures in a row Activision not stepping in and taking over.

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Activision would be an improvement as we would see constant monthly updates to the game.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

See we’re here to resolve issues with the game.

Not an issue for ourselves.

We’re here searching for solutions to improve or fix the game, what’s your plan? Write it all off as “Oh its a you problem not a their problem”?

Attacking the people behind the complaints won’t solve anything.