Shadowlands is a mess

I wish Chris Metzen would come back and save Azeroth :sob:


Let the man be at peace.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Why aren’t you on moon guard? ED is boring

ED is my home but I also like WA. Moonguard is nice too.

Role play realms are the best!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Dual specs happened during Wrath as I recall. Not everyone had a rich guild and if you were a total newbie(which a good chunk of WoW was at the time) you could barely scrap money to buy epic much less have the luxury of a daily respec.

You can Google that, and what you need to be to be a policeman. The word they’re using is the incorrect one. But blaming ion for something that is essentially world wide for high positions in business and law enforcement is irrational.

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My plan is to play the game as long as I like it and then quit when I don’t like it, when I quit I’ll find a new game or hobby that I enjoy. I won 't sit around for months, or years, complaining about a video game I don’t like. I’ll simply find a new video game that I like. Many of you act like this is a life or death decision, it’s a video game. lol


Not even specs. Just going from a PvE to a PvP build burns conduit energy for a lot of specs. It makes it near impossible to play each aspect of the game to full potential unless you set a schedule that adheres to energy CDs

They really could’ve made it like visions where you get a piece for your best run of the week. I don’t think 1 armor piece a week is game breaking.

I have multiple screen shots of the LFG tab on my realm/cluster where every single group was a carry or boost.

I went from applying to 5 or more groups for keys, to barely being able to find 2 that aren’t a carry. It’s terrible, and makes the game that much more unplayable for people pugging

You get a transmog and some new anima grinds.

Oh and keystone master now requires tyrannical, the most unbalanced affix ever created.

Get pumped guys!!


I’ve actually quit SL at this point. I only play tbc classic now. I log on to retail, and even being in a heroic raiding guild doesn’t inspire me to play. I log on and instantly feel like I have to do chores or I’ll fall behind. It’s not a game for me anymore, it’s chores. So time for a break


Then stop trying to shoot our opinions down.


Addiction and sunk cost fallacy does that to people.

Because of work going on in my house irl I can’t use a computer. Haven’t for a week or so. On the forums cuz I have heck else to do. Likely by the time I’m back my time will have run out. Won’t resub. Won’t be able to post on the forums. Know what I will do then? Play different games. Read. Do other things to spend time with my wife. I won’t stay subbed to cry about how the game isn’t what I want it to be. I’ll just do something else.


Good for you.

The complaints are far from being over with.

Yeah because people don’t have self control. Giving blizz money every month to be ignored on the forums isn’t a good use of money. You can complain just as much on reddit, for free. The difference being it’s more likely they’d actually see it or respond to it.

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I’m as confident as the next to believe that the forum exists as little more than a void to scream our frustrations into endlessly but that doesn’t mean that we have to act dismissive or passive about what we really think of the current state of the game and how poorly a job Ion and his team have done.

Maybe a need for change is needed, as under the current directive of control things have come to something of a grinding halt in terms of anything actually being done on retails behalf (as far as we know anyway, transparency seems like a big issue blizzard has with its fans).

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Destroyed :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :exploding_head:


It’s quite jarring seeing people say SL is the worst expansion ever on the forums, but literally everyone I talk to in-game has a positive to high opinion of the expansion. They all have their gripes but generally consider it a good expansion so far.

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The forum is always full of people who pretend to hate the game. Every current patch and every current expansion is always the worst thing ever. Many of these players would quit except they forgot to not sub for the next 6 months and they’re going to keep playing until their time runs out, even though the game is horrible and there are tons of other better games.


Crazy, I know.

They should create a channel for boosting, because trade chat is spammed with gold carries for everything(professions,raids,dungeons,lvling), like I don’t even look at it anymore

Most of us still around that say this expansion is bad have empty friends lists and dead guilds.

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If Blizz hired me I would fix all ilvl issues found in AH that conflict with the true ilvl requirements as well as truly usable. Things like buyable for my level but ilvl requirements but need 3 higher ilvls to put into a slot… that is so wrong on so many levels.