Shadowlands is a mess

I see a lot of whining on the part of OP, but no constructive criticism. What exactly would fix Torghast for you? How would you stop boosting and carries without bricking the in-game economy? Etc.

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Yet someone in Ions position has to have rubbed shoulders with corporate sociopaths to be where he is today and to have kept his place.

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Yet the forum likes them and isn’t far off the mark.

Be it Ion or some other insidious force whoever is running the show doesn’t play the same game as us.


I probably would have made the dungeon levels random. Maybe add a chance for Valor or Conquest to be rewarded if you solved some of the puzzles, completing a torghast wing could restore conduit energy, maybe add a currency to use for upgrading conduits if you don’t need the Soul Ash, balance out the anima powers(some of the classes are really fun and others can be pretty boring), instead of just anima powers have some OP weapons in the chests that you can use while you’re in there, damaged cosmetic armor pieces could drop in different wings and you could bring them to the legendary guy and he could tell you what drops he needs to fix them from other wings.

I don’t know I’m just throwing some stuff against the wall to see what sticks.

For the carries, you could set some type of minimum damage threshold so you can’t just stand around out of harms way. Not entirely sure how the carries work I’ve never bought one.


Successful businessmen are sociopaths now… Have you ever even held a position in a professional setting? This line of thought is very telling of you.

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I do think they need to clean house and restructure their dev team, including Ion.

Even if he is the figurehead that we all see and love/hate, in my opinion and from what I have seen and heard their entire team is out of touch.


Dan Pena says vast majority of successful business people are sociopaths so yeah. Can’t handle the truth when it is returned in your direction?

They need a new team focused exclusively on fixing the core game.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Yes they do, but I can think of an infinite list of things that will happen before THAT ever does.


True, but I think what will happen is the bean counters will come in and save WoW. They saved WoW when the devs tried to remove flying forever.

Ironic that the bean counters are the only ones standing in front of WoW being destroyed from within with this dev team.

And the recent article also showed how it is BlizZard and not Activision that is fumbling around.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Oh, my bad. I was wrong. If Dan Pena said it then it must be right.


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Dan Pena says it about himself. Also about Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, the Oil Barons, the Robber Barrons, Theranos ex CEO, etc, etc, etc.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

I mean it seems like ever since Ion was made in charge you’ve been all playing legion on repeat.


Only it’s like if you make a pot of coffee and reuse the coffee grounds for a second pot of coffee, then a third… just keeps getting worse and watered down.


I kind of feel like WoW needs some new creative direction but I think they’re in maintenance mode now like a lot of older games. Produce new revenue numbers for 2 quarters and operate on small losses in the other 2.


That is correct.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Consider me confused. But what am I looking at? More Maw content?

Korthia is decent content for casual players, but most other players will not notice much of a difference!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

How has nobody brought up the lack of AI? We saw some pretty good pushes toward a better AI in BFA with Islands and the AB Comp Stomp brawl. It would be nice to see them use some of that AI in designing encounters in a dungeon sometime, and maybe growing with that toward the future.


Sadly, conduits and conduit e edgy feels like wasted time for my class. There’s so few “good” conduits that I feel like it impacts my gameplay. While there’s tons of wasted conduits.

I play a disc priest, and only 3 conduits actually do anything impactful. The rest hardly process or only add maybe 1-200 extra healing.

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As someone mentioned, calling it a mess is a misnomer. A mess can be cleaned up. I don’t think Shadowlands can be fixed.

I had high hopes for Shadowlands when it was unveiled, but honestly, it’s easily in the running for the worst xpack at this point.