Shadowlands is a mess

Conduit energy has had 0 impact on me but it’s one of those “I have no idea why they felt the need to bother wasting time on this system” things.


Because you add power to the abilities you enjoy and use most of the time: it affect your rotation and playstyle. User choices FTW.

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Let’s make sure you’re not conflating conduits with conduit energy…two different things.

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This is beyond creepy, tbh.

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Personally, I feel like all of the choices and stuff would be great if the bulk of the game’s rewards weren’t tied to pushing progression, which practically enforces min/maxing.

They gotta stop tying power to choices, because they can never balance those choices, and everything in the game is cookie cutter or die these days.

That or give some more paths toward solo progression.

The attempt at providing choices really clashes hard with their end game focus design philosophies.


36 specs x 4 covenants = never, ever getting balanced.

I’m tired of this team designing themselves into a dark musty corner and then delivering a steaming pile on our porches for $15/month.


but I keep hoping…which is my own damn fault.

This is why I’m playing BC Classic until the Amazon game drops.

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I love all of this but solo progression is gone like Vol’jin.
Hit or miss.
Mostly miss.
ps I hope they don’t freak the lore up anymore.

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They’re going to. The original writers are gone. This isn’t Metzen’s baby anymore. This is Dragon Ball GT or Game of Thrones season 8.

This is just our characters existing in a knockoff of the world and game we were playing a decade or so ago.


You are a valued member of the WoW community.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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You do know that you don’t have to keep spending your time and money on it if it’s that bad, right?

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I agree with this.

They should have listened to beta testers.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Its good to expect nothing but just consider you may get nothing and still be let down.

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There are people who think that scouring barnacles off the bottom of their boat after hauling it out of the water and hoisting it overhead using machinery is not a chore.

What feels like or does not feel like a chore to you is entirely irrelevant to the reality of the situation. If something feels like a chore to a person, it is.

No idea where you got the idea that Torghast is a “one and done”. I guess your script leaked here a little, because only someone who has never played the expansion nor kept up with info would imagine that running Toghast once is done.

Or maybe self-appointed blizzard spokespeople get enough soul ash from their first run so they never have to repeat it.

You haven’t given us that “Who told you to play alts?” thing yet here. How about Blizzard designing the game so it isn’t full of achievements that REQUIRE so many repeats to complete them that they can’t be done without an army of alts?


If I had a nickel for every time I’ve seen you write that sentence, I could retire by now.


I’d be broke because he’s on ignore.


See, if you hadn’t ignored him, maybe you could have paid $70 for a mount to use in SL.


Sometimes the truth is hard to swallow.


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Considering your rate of regurgitation, I believe that.


Actually, the manager is responsible for his department producing the quality of work that is required. The design department sends down a blueprint. The blueprint is made exactly as it shows. There are no options for random workers to make decisions. Either they did the task as it was assigned to them, or they didn’t, and the manager is to blame for allowing this to happen.

Have you ever held a job, like in manufacturing? Nothing is left to chance. If the guy at the bottom makes a mistake his supervisor should catch it, or he wasn’t doing his job as required.

If the guy at the top decides they don’t have time to finish the product but they’re going to ship anyway, that’s an Ion problem.